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is it too late?

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I have a quick question to whoever has gone through the college application and acceptance process: I sent my acceptance decision to a University already, but I didn't really do it willingly... I kinda regret it now, but dunno if I am going to change my mind: Would it be too late to change my mind now?

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I have a quick question to whoever has gone through the college application and acceptance process: I sent my acceptance decision to a University already, but I didn't really do it willingly... I kinda regret it now, but dunno if I am going to change my mind: Would it be too late to change my mind now?


I used to work in a college admissions office. You can recind your decision. You should call ASAP, and ask for the director of admissions. This will allow them to put a stop to your paperwork. Then just be sure to follow that up with a written letter.


Also when you sent your decision, did you also send it with an enrollment deposit? If so, you'll likely lose the deposit.



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it was a 300$ deposit... OMG, I am screwed... There's no way my parents would accept this... It feels like I jumped off a plane, and I know my parachutes really really crappy and I don't think it's gonna open, but I still had to jump because if not I'd be a coward... They say that they wouldn't have cared and that they still would've loved me if I had chosen otherwise, but I just know it's not that way from the tone of their voice and the look in their eye when I said what I really wanted. I dunno, but if I am going splat from the fall off that plane, might as well get a heart attack on my way down...

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Were you able to call the school and let them know your decision? Maybe they can give your deposit back. They could have a different policy than the college I used to work for.


Choosing which college to attend is an important decison. You can do what you feel is right now (even if it means losing the $300) or you can go somewhere you don't like- be miserable- and then have to transfer out later (which means more application fees $$$) or, worse, drop your classes which makes you lose even more money. If you really feel like you made the wrong decison- you still have time to "fix" it.


You can make it up to your parents by working a little extra over the summer and paying their $300 back. But first call the school and see if they'll return it though (you never know).




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They don't care about the 300$. They care about the fact that they really wanted me to go there, and I just for making them happy complied... I just couldn't bring myself to making my own choice... I saw how they reacted when I said which college I really wanted, and I just saw they didn't mean what they said... That plus the thoughts of "what if I regret it later?" constantly haunting me... Yet, now I wonder "what if I regret my new choice later?" instead...

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