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touchy feely smooth talkers


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a guy i'm seeing is trying to push things way too fast. i've only known him a week and he already misses me all the time, throws a million compliments my way every chance he gets, etc.

we've hardly ever had a "normal" conversation. meaning, i'm still learning what he's all about.


usually i don't mind compliments.. but this feels like too much too fast. i have let him know, but he has only let up a little.


he still asks things like "did you miss me?" -- i replied "i barely know you!" with a slight giggle. but he still says it. also, the sex thing: we aren't sexually active- at all. but he let me know in detail this ranks high on his list. what he wants to do to me, etc.


finally, i told him to stop because it embarresses me. HE replied: "what, you don't like attention?"

when i told him to stop complimenting me so much, he said this: "i'm just being honest. you don't want me to be honest?"


i feel i can't win.

is he just messing with my head or what? is there a way to make him stop until this type of chit chat is approproate?

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no. i doubt you cant stop him from doing this (unless ofcourse you let him know you like it!!) jkss. this is probably in his nature. and take it as a compliment, doesnt mean you have to give in to anything. if it makes you that uncomfortable or you think it cant possibly be genuine because of the time factor then tell him that and end it. i mean i dont know how uncomfortable this really makes you but tell him you feel like you don't know him and just do things together spend some time together where you would have to talk. plus...i know it gets annoying and all but when it stops it hurtss even more

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yeah, i know the obvious way to make him stop (haha) .. nobody can keep that up for years ..or weeks!

but when it stops it hurtss even more
that's exactly what i'm afraid of. i just hate to end it because i can't handle it/he won't listen. but yeah, ending it might be the best option. thanks, i appreciate you taking the time to read & respond.
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Gosh, as far as i'm concerned he is pushy and this won't stop ever! In my opinion, when somebody keeps doing things you ask them not to do, or they keep making you feel uncomfortable in some way, they are not respecting you. It is kind of like a rape. You tell them to stop and they keep going.


If i were you, and this was making me feel uncomfortable, i would get away from him. You said yourself you have only known him a week, so you've nothing to lose really.


Good luck!

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he does sound extremely pushy. maybe you could try the firm but gentle approach, for example: "seriously, you're way too much for me. i appreciate a bit of subtlety once in a while. now be a gentleman and put your tongue back in your mouth." how's he gonna argue with that?

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