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General questions about dating

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Did you ever hide from your friends that you went out with someone? Why?


What is a date? If two people are talking and relaxing is that a date or friends getting together casually? Or is dinner and a movie a date? Is coffee a date? Or is the person who extended the invitation the only person who can call it a date?


If I asked a guy out and we had a good time then should he feel obligated to ask me out? Or should I keep asking him out?

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This is a standard date.


For future reference.


Picking up girls:


1) Be funny

2) Mention a date and get their number

3) Wait 3 days, and then call and ask "Hey, you know, the other night was pretty cool and it seems like you've actually got something going for you. How'd you like to go on a date with me, Thursday, 5:00, at the Starbucks in [location]?"

*Said with confidence, matter-of-fact no-nonsense.


4) The 3 replies: 1) Yes

2) Excuse (No)

3) Excuse with a counter offer



5) If 1, say great, then end it there. If 2, DON'T offer any other days, just say oh thats too bad, or that excuse sucks basically. If 3, limit it to 3 tries, her suggestion, then yours, then hers. If it doesn't work out, end it there.

*You may want to try again IF she is genuinely interested AND she makes an effort to see you at some other time.


**Online dating is very similar, however you need to get their number and then talk one or two times, and if they are cool THEN ask them on a date. Get offline as fast as possible. Spend as LITTLE time as possible online, like 5 minutes per woman per day. No more than 30 minutes on any given day, and you should send out lots of witty 2-3 liners.


The guidelines for a date:


1) Casual

2) Observe and compliment her

3) Low car stereo music

4) Politeness like opening doors, but don't over do it

*Pay for her, but make sure its cheap, $5 max.

5) Ask her questions about herself more than you talk about yourself by at least 3-to-1 ratio. You want to walk out knowing 5x as much abotut her as she knows about you.

6) Be funny and pick at her

7) At the door, lean in and kiss and say it was fun and tell her maybe you'll call her later. Do NOT commit. Be a challenge, leave her wondering what your next move is. Never tell her what you are planning to do. Surprise her.

*Wait 5 days max. before calling

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Leave out the part that says: "it seems like you've actually got something going for you" to HIM, because that is a total arrogant turn off.


Don't "be funny and pick at HIM", humor is fine, but poking fun of someone you just met and are on a date with is just plain bad etiquette.


Don't end the date with a vague comment like "maybe I'll call you." If you like HIM, tell him you will call him and give a day, like Sunday for example.


If you don't like him, thank him for the date and don't mention calling him.


Don't play games. Just relax and be yourself. If there is a connection, you're off to the races. If not, chalk it up to experience and better luck next time.

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Did you ever hide from your friends that you went out with someone? Why?


What is a date? If two people are talking and relaxing is that a date or friends getting together casually? Or is dinner and a movie a date? Is coffee a date? Or is the person who extended the invitation the only person who can call it a date?


If I asked a guy out and we had a good time then should he feel obligated to ask me out? Or should I keep asking him out?


As for the first question, yes I've hidden from my friends that I've dated someone. Why...because she was younger than me by a little too much, but I kinda fell for her anyways. I just hid it because, not everyone needed to know, and in the fact that it was hidden and forbidden, it made it a little more exciting.


There's no clear-cut answer for what the definition of date is, I think...you just "know" when what's going on is a little more than a couple of friends hanging out.


He shouldn't feel obligated I guess, but it wouldn't hurt for him to call and ask you out. I think you could sort of feel it out, call him up, mention having a good time etc...then bring up maybe doing it again sometime...I'm sure that would do it. Good luck!

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Did you ever hide from your friends that you went out with someone? Why?


What is a date? If two people are talking and relaxing is that a date or friends getting together casually? Or is dinner and a movie a date? Is coffee a date? Or is the person who extended the invitation the only person who can call it a date?


If I asked a guy out and we had a good time then should he feel obligated to ask me out? Or should I keep asking him out?



ok, you have several different questions going here...


1st question: hiding dates from friends?: YES! i have definitely not told people about who i'm dating, not hiding, but also not telling. i don't like being interrogated, mainly. and also i guess it's a respect thing. i would kind of hope that if we just don't like eachother, he hasn't gone around blabbing to *everyone* that we were gonna go on a date, etc. but i know that is probably an unrealistice hope, nonetheless, i tend to go in pretty slowly, and wouldn't want to tell people, till it got more serious. what if i really liked him, and he didn't like me, and then, i have to keep hearing everyone asking about it...and i don't really want to talk about it...


2nd question: what is a date?: i mean i suppose different people could define that differently, most commonly i would think it refers to two people meeting to see if they like eachother, and get to know eachother, and maybe they will continue to try to have some sort of relationship together.


3rd question: would need more specifics. it depends entirely on the situation.


4th question: could be.


5th question: could be.


6th question: either could, also, either could not.


7th question: no one is truley obligated to do anything; what you want to live with is entirely up to you.


8th question: again, what you are comfortable with is entirely up to you. i personally would not.


i hope this helps, if you need more opinions, i will first need more information.

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