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I don't know what to do, I'm being torn in half.


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So here is the run down, i've liked this girl for a month or two and i've been trying to show her i like her and things like that, but recently, i've come to a fork. A couple of days ago, on a feild trip, i had a really deep conversations with a girl who is friends with the girl i like. I started to think that this one i was having the conversation with was great and to top it off another feild trip two days after that one, I spent more time with her. Now I am lost between who I like and it is hard to see if either of them really like me. The main reason for this is because the first girl is sort of quiet and mysterious, and I like that but it makes it hard to see into her, what she is thinking and how she feels. The other girl is outgoing and loud (in a good way), and I like that too, but she is that way with everyone, even if I think she may be more touchy feely with me, is that really the case? I have no idea. So that makes it hard to see if she likes me, or if i'm just like everyone else. So here I am, stuck in this quagmire of a situation, with no real answers from myself. If anyone can help, i'd appreciate it. Thanks.

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I don't know how much you've fallen for either girl, but it seems that the more we like a girl, the harder it is for us to accurately judge how they're really feeling about us.


Don't really have an answer for you.


My advice, don't over analyze the situation, and just be a good friendly guy and things usually tend to work out.

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Work for both, so incase you cant get one you have a plan b. That'd be my advice. The second one may also be serving as a breathe of fresh air. After liking that one for so long, another one comes along, and takes the first one off your mind a little. But since their friends also proceed with caution. Hope i helped.

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Ask both out? That's recipe for disaster -- if they found out you will lose both. It's natural to like several people at once. Pick the one you like better and go for it. If it doesn't work out, maybe the other one will still be free. Either way, you can't have your cake and eat it too. Don't mean to sound harsh, but if you are playing them both, neither will talk you seriously.

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What do you mean you "try to show her you like her"? By being best buds with her? Or by asking her out? If you want a girl to know you like her, ask her out. If you "hint hint hint" then you are not showing her that you are a confident self respecting guy, especially because you will be playing the "friend role" the whole time you are hinting.


Read the link in my signiture if you want to learn how to avoid making the most common mistakes that guys make-and you ARE making them...

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I know it may be hard to do this, but try not to base your decision of who you'll ask out on who is least likely to turn you down. In other words you may like Girl #1 better but you may have an inkling that Girl #2 won't turn you down. That's taking the easy way out. Now if you FIRST sincerely lose interest in Girl #1 and THEN develop interest in someone else, then that's another story.

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