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How do you have sex?!!!?!

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All i wanna know, is basically, is sex easy to do? I mean do you have to physically watch where your putiing 'it' so you know where your going n what you are doing?


How do u know when (i dont know a good way of putting this but) sex is over? Does the guy HAVE to ejaculate, then its over? and can/should he only ejaculate once then pull out? or can you carry on having sex even after he has ejaculated? Or does it just usually end when you are both tired?? lol


Oh and what if the woman wants to stop having sex (if shes tired for example) while in the middle of it, its not like she can pull out!! or even say to the guy "pull out i dont want to have sex now" How, if your a woman, would you deal with this situation?


Please reply with opinions, expperiences etc thanks guys xxxxxxx

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There are no rules or anything. It's just like playing, and you do it or stop any time you like. What one couple likes might be awful for another. If it was difficult, there'd be a lot less people on Earth trying to do it.


It's much like playing with a big dog in the sense that theres no one way to do it as long as you both have fun.


Not that you'd have sex with a dog.

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All I wanna say is CALM DOWN!! when it comes to sex, it's mostly "figure it out as you go"...I don't know many people who REALLY know exactly what it will be like until they actually do it. The first times will be difficult trying to figure out what goes where, lol, and even with new partners things will be different. As for knowing when sex is over...well, i never really thought about it...sometimes I DON'T know it's over, lol, sometimes my boyfriend comes too fast and i don't even realize it! When a guy ejaculates, it's definitly over, lol. I usually orgasm before my boyfriend or not at all, but i still enjoy sex without the big o...I'm usually wanting sex more than my boyfriend, but if i don't want it (tired or something), i usually just let my bf do his thing - haha. I know there's many times where my boyfriend was too tired yet I begged him to have sex...and guys don't ALWAYS come. if my boyfriend is tired and we have sex he'll let me orgasm and then he won't - he still says it felt good, he's just not in the mood, tired, etc. ...um, did i answer all your questions??

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All i wanna know, is basically, is sex easy to do?


Depends on the people involved. However we are similar to animals in that instinct takes over.


I mean do you have to physically watch where your putiing 'it' so you know where your going n what you are doing?


The first few times you probally should so that its not poking around down there in the wrong hole, but with practice you wouldnt have to look anymore.


How do u know when (i dont know a good way of putting this but) sex is over?


You'll know, its sorta when you are done doing it. Some like a little and some like a lot.


Does the guy HAVE to ejaculate, then its over? and can/should he only ejaculate once then pull out? or can you carry on having sex even after he has ejaculated? Or does it just usually end when you are both tired?? lol


Oh boy. I hope you do not even THINK about having sex without proper protection from unwanted pregnancy or STD's. That said. You will need condoms, and if you plan to be sexually active its also advisable to be on birth control pills. Even with a condom unless you are very serious about a person, and would like to have a baby, I wouldnt recomend letting him ejaculate before he pulls out. Oh yes, ejaculation is the goal basically, so you want him to do this.


Yes you can also continue after he has ejaculated, however, you will need a NEW condom each time you have sex. He may also need a few minutes or hours for rest in between. YOu will know when you are 'done'.


Oh and what if the woman wants to stop having sex (if shes tired for example) while in the middle of it, its not like she can pull out!! or even say to the guy "pull out i dont want to have sex now" How, if your a woman, would you deal with this situation?


Please reply with opinions, expperiences etc thanks guys xxxxxxx


I wouldnt recomend telling the guy to stop mid stroke because then he would probally get what is otherwise known as blue balls. This is where he was getting it on but didnt get off causing pain in the testicular area.


Hope this helps.

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Dako got it pretty much right. Sex isn't supposed to be a... function, it's supposed to be a pleasurable experience.


That should answer your question about 'when does it end?'


You're just supposed to enjoy it. It can end when either or both people orgasm but it's not exactly unheard of to stop before that point. Bare in mind that once a guy does orgasm usually the penis will stop being hard, and that makes sex rather difficult. Some guys do still stay hard but as with a lot of sex issues it differs widely.


And the women can say to stop during sex. It would be worse not to say anything and go on pretend you're enjoying it when you're actually in pain. Saying that the first time can be painful for a women and expect bleeding to occur but don't worry about it.


Oh and you'll know when it's in, you'll specificily feel it going it and it's not a crime to look while it goes in.


Just do whatever feels pleasurable, stop if you need to and use a condom (or something just as good that isn't "make shift")

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I think the trick is to have sex with someone you love and I mean a person who is caring and giving to you, generous with his time and attention and has your best interests at heart too. When love and trust and respect are present sex is a lot of fun - in the sense that it is fun even if it is awkward because you're in it together. The mechanics of it can be challenging sometimes if the woman isn't lubricated enough or the guy for some reason cannot "get it up" or you want to try a different position and it doesn't really work, etc.


I totally disagree with the blue balls comment. If he is inside you and you feel uncomfortable for any reason, tell him to please stop. Then, if you are comfortable with satisfying him you can use your hand. He may feel frustrated emotionally or physically but that's the risk of having sex and it's ok - he'll be fine. Take care of you! If he will not stop he is NOT a person you want to be intimate with.

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All i wanna know, is basically, is sex easy to do?


Well, judging by the world's population, I tend to think it is


I mean do you have to physically watch where your putiing 'it' so you know where your going n what you are doing?


Well, last time I checked, my penis didn't had an auto pilot, so yes, I have to watch what I'm doing with it, and... the visual stimulation is amazing!


How do u know when (i dont know a good way of putting this but) sex is over? Does the guy HAVE to ejaculate, then its over?


Well, you want to orgasm and get him to ejaculate, but that doesn't mean it is over. You girls may need less time betwen orgasms, or he may ejaculate before you've orgasmed, so he can masturbate you or do oral sex on you while he recovers.


Or you can both lay in bed while both recover and are ready for the next round. Its over when you are satisfied. It is like eating, you stop eating when you are satisfied, right?


It can happen that you are tired, but not satisfied, then the phisical wear will take the game to the end, but it is way better when you are both satisfied.


and can/should he only ejaculate once then pull out? or can you carry on having sex even after he has ejaculated? Or does it just usually end when you are both tired?? lol


Well, we are supposed to ejaculate in the vagina, so the semen can fertilize the egg, so yes, he can ejaculate inside of you, but i wouldn't advise it.

As a matter of fact, it feels awesome, but I don't think it is worth the risk.


Most of the time I would pull out before ejaculating, and I used a condom most of the time. My previous GF was like a clock with her periods, so we would have unprotected sex just before her period, or just after it.

Though, that was a very long term relationship, and we only started doing that after a couple of years together.


In a new relationship there is no way in hell I would try that, if I'm not ready to commit that person to the extent of marrying and having children with her, I'll keep using a condom and pulling out before ejaculating.

If you can add birthcontrol to the mix, then better, remember, nothing is 100% safe, so, adding more protection to the equation is always better.}


Oh, and remember, no matter how akward it may seem, but putting a condom should be done carefully and follow the instructions to the letter. A condom that is not properly fitted may not be effective.


Also, a new condom is needed everytime he loses the erection, even if he doesn't ejaculate. The thing is, the condom is designed to fit once, and once it moves from a good fit, it is not safe anymore. So if he loses the erection for one moment, it is time for a new condom.


Last thing with condoms, if he ejaculates inside of you, with a condom on, he must pull out inmediately. Semen changes the volume inside the condom, and as the fluid it is, it will find its way out, specially as his penis will start to get flacid after ejaculating, and you don't want that stuff to leak inside of you.


Oh and what if the woman wants to stop having sex (if shes tired for example) while in the middle of it, its not like she can pull out!! or even say to the guy "pull out i dont want to have sex now" How, if your a woman, would you deal with this situation?


I don't understand your point. Why can't you stop it? If you are having sex with someone that you love, and that person loves you, I'm 100% sure he will be able to understand your request and stop right there. And there are tons of positions where the woman is in control. I think that the only ones where the woman is not in entire control is when the guy is on top.

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Sex is pretty serious...I hope that you know

once you have sex there is no coming back...


I'd say the emotional attachments formed by a sexual relationship are serious, but the actual act of sex borders on the ridiculous at times.

But maybe I just do it weird...

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...but the actual act of sex borders on the ridiculous at times.

Well if you spend five minutes on the internet looking up sexual fetishs you'll find that's quite true. As much as sex is based on emotional attachment for some people, it's also based on instinct and lust that doesn't obey any sort of logical thinking.


Which is why we have things like rape and odd sexual fetishs that make baby Jesus cry.

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