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The phone call.

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Hey girls, if a guy that you like asks you to call them that night because you two didnt hang out that night, would you say "no you call me" or would you go ahead and call..


Im in that situation. Thursday night i asked a girl im interested in to call me that night so we could talk or what ever, she replies "no you call me" and i said no, "how bout you call me" and we went back n forth joking around, well i told her i wasnt going to call, she said she wasnt either and she said she doesnt call people.. could she just be very subtle? or does she not want to call because she is uninterested? Im not sure. Opinions would be appreciated

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I never really understood why guys sometimes will say to me, "call me!" At the end of a date I went on a year ago, the guy said, "I had a really good time, call me so we can make plans again." I told him, "well, my finals are over, so my next week is pretty clear right now, let's make plans now." He's like, "no - call me!" I said, "well, I'm telling you, my entire week is clear, so let's make plans now before my schedule gets filled." He's like, "well, call me anyways!!!"


So, I never did. I thought it was lame. He never called me either. It's like he was playing a game and wanted girls just calling him. I told him I was free all week, so I figured the ball was in his court to set a day.


so, instead of doing that back and forth, why didn't you just call her if you wanted to talk to her?

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Hey we scheduled a date for wednes day, cuz she told me she was free wednesday and thursday...


Anyways today we talked about it, and she said "the guy is the one who is supposta call the girl" And i said "Who made that theory up" she said thats just the way ive been.. So im thinking she is interested she just wants me to do the calling..


today after work i said to call me kidding around and she was like "nope" and i said fine when is a good time to call u, she said i dont know when eve.. i said give me a time estimate, she said 8:30 .. after she said that i said "good cuz im still not calling haha" but i think im going to call her tonight around 9 ish..

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It's too bad you are rewarding her selfish behaviour.


Since when is it that guys are 'supposed to' call? that is ridiculous


ummm.... since always the man is supposed to be the pursuer, at least in the early stages of the relationship! That's how it's been forever.


However, times are a changing. You should have just told the girl you're for equality for women, and that she should be making 50% of the phone calls herself

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So i called her at 9:15 and no answer at first.. then she called back 20 mins later and we talked for about 15-20 mins and laughed and joked around. Then she said she was just about to walk inside ( she had been driving back from herfriends) her house and talk to her mom and talk about prom and she would call back after.. Well she didnt call back and at 11:00pm i got a 3 page text from her saying how she didnt forget to call back and some othr stuff but she was real busy and had to prepare for her award ceremony tomrow and good night.. Ok i dont know what to do haha we are supposta go to the mall wednesday but why wouldnt she call back when she said she would.. Um wow go figure hah

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ummm.... since always the man is supposed to be the pursuer, at least in the early stages of the relationship! That's how it's been forever.



I've had three long term relationships that started with the girl being the pursuer and asking me out, which wouldn't have happened at all if there was some kind of "supposed to" rule book that was to be followed.

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