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How to stop attraction

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I am 18, single, etc. I have a problem with some females at my church, school, and work. I have always like the idea of being single and never getting married and living by myself for the rest of my life. I have never had a girlfriend and really dont want one, but.. all the females around me dont get that. They are always trying to talk to me, make eye contact, "accidentally" bump into me, tell me how hot I am, tell me how nice my clothes look and so on. I do what I know best and ignore them altogether, but the more I ignore them the harder they push! Will they ever just get over me and find another guy to hit on or am I stuck?

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lol, i think a lot of guys would like to have your problem. you don't have to date anyone if you don't want to. eventually someday, though i'm sure you will. until then, you'll just have to get a body guard or something,lol. hey, do you have a female friend in the same predicament? if so, maybe you two could be each other's cover just to get others to leave you alone.

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i wouldn't want to do that either, mostly because it's just not true. I've had people advise me to say that to guys who won't stop pestering me, too. and i say no, why shouldn't i just tell him, i'm just not interested in him, he's not my type? don't tell people you're gay if you're not, then you're just opening up new troubles that don't even really apply to you.

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I am extremely homophobic. I dont want to even say I am gay.


It's usually these kind that turn out gay. There was a study that showed 4 in 5 men are sexually turned on by watching gay porn (erection) even when they said that they were homophobic and thought sex with another man was repulsive.


Have you thought about taking a class on diversity? Maybe it might help you to become more open minded and accepting of "others"?

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The most obvious solution is to suddenly change and pretend to be interested in the girls that are chasing you and call their so called bluff, ask for their number, and call them every single day until they get tired of you and want to run. It's time to start acting desperate and needy, clingy around them and hopefully they will all just disappear. Walk with your head down, shuffle when you walk around them, avoid eye contact if you talk to them, and talk in a scrawny tone of voice, act like you have zero confidence, and you will have success my boy. Also, when you talk to them, start complaining about everything, be as negative as possible.


I hope this strategy I brainstormed in thin air works. In fact I'm betting $ 1000 this will work within a few days of implimentation. (just kidding)

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"walk with your head down, shuffle when you walk around them, avoid eye contact if you talk to them, and talk in a scrawny tone of voice, act like you have zero confidence, and you will have success my boy. Also, when you talk to them, start complaining about everything, be as negative as possible."


Wait... you mean girls don't like that? No wonder I've been alone all my life, or... am I like that because I've been alone all my life? Wow what a catch 22.

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It's usually these kind that turn out gay. There was a study that showed 4 in 5 men are sexually turned on by watching gay porn (erection) even when they said that they were homophobic and thought sex with another man was repulsive.


Have you thought about taking a class on diversity? Maybe it might help you to become more open minded and accepting of "others"?




This guy is a closet gay. Reminded me a lot of my highschool friend, the most homofobic guy I've ever known, every girl that I liked me was after him, and used me to get to him, in University he came out of the closet and turned into a real male * * * * *...


It was funny, he showed no interest at all in any female, nothing, nada. He could have had a super model naked in front of him and he wouldn't even notice her.

That is what makes gay guys so attractive to females (hadn't you noticed, if the females don't know that the guy is gay, they are all over him, obviously, it helps if the guy doesn't act like the typical femenine gay), challenge, they have a guy there, that usually dresses nice and takes good care of himself, that pays no attention to them.



Solution, the best one would be to come out of the closet, but as it seems he needs some time to mature and accept himself, you can start acting interested in the meantime. You'll se no one will care about you if you do that.



I'm amazed by how much people hate homosexuality. I was educated to hate them. But then I went out to the world and noticed they are just like everybody else, humans looking for love, what can be wrong with that???

At least my dad had an excuse, he was sexualy harassed by a gay when he was a kid, but heck, I've been harassed by females, and I still LOVE them!


Seriously, I don't get it, how can people think it is better to live a life of loneliness, rejection of yourself, privated of love and the most basic human emotions?

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Or... maybe he's not gay and simply isn't ready for a relationship yet! *gasp*


There's also a certain personality disorder (not accusing anyone here or having it BTW) that causes people to act as "loners" who do not desire any romantic (or otherwise) relationships with others.


I don't think anyone's opinion on gay behaviour has anything to do with anything. *shakes head* Let's not read more into things than necessary.

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sheeesh Tod -


I don't think he's gay or wanting to deprive himself of human contact. I think what he's saying is that he's not ready to be in a relationship and is tired of being hounded.


And LOL Iron Lion


But seriously single and loving it, you're young, good looking and have plenty of time to be persued and persure others. You're fine to want to be single. I think you should feel flattered, personally, and maybe you do, but not wanting that attention is your choice.


You may just need to tell girls straight up, and prolly even repeat yourself a few times...

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The guy said he was not gay - there is no closet gay here, that's nonsense.


If anything, he is probably asexual, and simple not interested in anything sexual. Why does everyone have to assume someone has to be sexual, and have to have a sexual orientation?


I think the aseuxaity website is link removed

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whoa...i never even thought of anybody being a-sexual before...well, except like nuns and monks i guess....there's a website for that?....whoa...


...anyway, yeah, i'm not a homophobe, or anything, but i do think it's a little limited when people say so called 'homophobes' are obviously a closet gay. that seems like a pretty simplistic conclusion to come to. maybe they just really are afraid of gay people. who knows? live and let live, people. i do know i fall pretty far over on the spectrum to the end of being a hetero, though i don't really care much what floats anyone else's boat.

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I dont hate women, In fact i really enjoy their company. I guess I just dont like how aggressive some of them are being. I guess I want someone to view me as a person not a sex object. And probably the only reason I am "afraid" of gays, is I have had one harassing me before, slapping my butt, etc. I tried my best to stay 50 feet away from him and it worked he got a boyfriend later on and he leaves me alone.

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I went through a period of hating women after a bad breakup. I told a few girls I was gay, and it worked just fine. Of course, I'm not afraid of gays.


i never hated men at all, but after a particularly difficult break up i really wasn't interested in anyone else for a long time, but that was just because i was still in love with the guy and stuff, but then eventually i moved on and it's all good.

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