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He giggled...

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I'll go straight to the point.


I was having sex with my bf, I was on top and then I moved to his side... leading his body and mine to the doggie position, and he started to giggle, then he came in like a couple mins...


I'm really confused about why he started to giggle, was it because he coudnt believe I wanted to do it doggie style and he was happy about it or what else could it be? it really bugs me and he wont tell me

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hahaha giggled? something funny must have gone down, maybe he farted or something? like tee hee im a full grown adult but deep inside im a little boy and farting is funny to meeeeee


dont lie guys on this forum, you know 9/10 of you still laugh when you get a good one off


jk jk


chances are if he wanted to do it doggie for so long he was excited at the chance to do it how he wanted it. be happy that you made him that happy

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