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Meeting Tommorow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Have a get out plan. You might think 'Ekkkkkk, he's not how I thought he'd be, I don't like him' or just don't get on when on when you meet him. Arrange with someone to be available so that if things aren't working out you can pop to the ladies and tell them to give you a call, like some sort of emergency so you can make your apologies and leave quickly.


Otherwise you could be trapped or hours with someone hideous or boring or just feel unsafe around him with NO get out plan and be very very sorry.

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No, I've never. I've heard stories though. I have two funny stories of meeting girls from the internet when I was younger, seems like ages ago.


I think I was 14 or 15 at the time. Met this girl in an AOL chatroom who lived 15 minutes away by bus. Chatted a bit for a few days and she was all hot and heavy for me. I didn't get a pic of her (scanners were rare back then), but a friend of hers sent me a pic of herself. She looked very cute. We made arrangements for her and her friend to meet up with me and a friend of mine I would bring along.


So they show up, and to be very cruel they were ugly. The picture her friend had sent me wasn't up to date, as it didn't include the horrible acne, and even better, buck teeth. The girl who liked me wasn't so bad, but she kind of looked like a mouse.


After meeting up with them, we took a walk to a pizza place, and on the way some local kids started trailing us and hurling obscenities at me and my friend for daring to hookup with the two ugliest girls on the block. That was fun.



Someone stood you up annie? I've seen your pic and I don't know how. Were you an ugly duckling long ago, or was he blind deaf and dumb?

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Just go. A blind date is a blind date, not the plague! make plans for something simple like meeting for beverages. if youall don't click, then you move on, no harm, no foul. meeting in a public place is kinda obvious.


It should be obvious, but you'd be surprised how many people meet in non-public areas for the first date off the internet. I know lots of smart girls who go over to his place or he goes over to her place for the first time. Kind of dangerous.

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meet in a public spot, don't tell him where you live. don't go to your place yet, even if he is really nice. if the date isn't going well, just leave. don't worry about being rude. worry about your safety most of all.


Exactly. Gee, annie is good!


I tried this sort of thing a few times. It's best to go with your gut. Even if things seem perfect, leave fairly early and arrange to meet at another time. Another public space. Give yourself time to get to know the person.


Be safe and have fun.

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It should be obvious, but you'd be surprised how many people meet in non-public areas for the first date off the internet. I know lots of smart girls who go over to his place or he goes over to her place for the first time. Kind of dangerous.


Thats something thats always surprised me. I've gone out with girls, where I've gone over to their place like it was nothing, just the 2 of us. When I first went out with an ex, she wanted to go to a VERY secluded beach, where there wasn't a soul for miles.


Of course I'm harmless, but I brought it up after a few weeks of dating and gave her crap for being so trusting, lol. But I don't understand it either.

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well, I still live at home, and he wants to meet my parents...so....


That sounds pretty strange to me. Meeting parents is usually reserved for relationships that have gotten serious. You may be speaking to him a lot online, but it's no comparison to in person meetings. I still think you should meet up at a neutral public place to see if there is really anything between you.

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Are your parents aware of this? Perhaps they feel you are old enough to deal with situations like this?


All everyone is trying to say is be careful. What you do, who you introduce him to is your choice obviously, but it's meeting over the internet can be dangerous. THere are times when you really do know that other person, but there are also times that the person isn't who they say they are. So in my opinion, it would be wise to not be alone with this guy. Use your gut instincts.


But otherwise good luck with everything.

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Most of the time, people you meet over the internet are nice and normal. But, there's always a small chance that something isn't right with them. It's better to be over-cautious and meet in public. Starbucks' is perfect.


I also don't understand why he wants to meet your parents - that is rather soon Most people wait until the relationship gets more serious.


You can always have your parents drop you off at starbucks so he has a chance to meet them. It's just not safe for him to know where you live so soon - not until you know he's an ok guy.

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i agree. yep, meet in a public place and all that safety jazz.


But regarding the stuff you're nervous about, try to relax and be yourself. Its not at all a bad idea to have topics in mind in case it gets awkward or uncomfortable.


As for meeting your parents, what's that about?


How old are you? How old is he? Do your parents know you've been chatting him up? Do they want to meet him??

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  • 2 weeks later...
If he's ugly, go to a movie with him. Say you need to go to the bathroom shortly after it starts. Never come back. Change your e-mail address....easy


You said that to me too he he your mean (joking way). It's not about looks its about personalitly.


I'd say be yourself, be safe and have fun. Good luck, ~S.

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