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So does he lose interest?

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When a guy seems to really like you, But you both seem shy around each other. and you haven't been able to talk to each other, that it just gets frustrating. Does he lose interest? Or does he still really like her but feel there's no chance because he hasnt been able to step up, neither has she, but he's seen that she has tried to step up? What if that girl was to spontaneously tell him why she hasn't been able to talk to him, about how she didnt mean to act rude or anything, it's just that it was hard for her. Would he get the message that she was just shy and really likes him too? would that rekindle anything? would he see her more respectfully for that?



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What if that girl was to spontaneously tell him why she hasn't been able to talk to him, about how she didn't mean to act rude or anything, it's just that it was hard for her. Would he get the message that she was just shy and really likes him too?


I think he would get the message. Especially if she smiled at him when she said it and was able to hold his gaze. How he responded would be difficult to predict. But after she said that it would be good to move closer to him physically to drive the message home even more.

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ICE get your courage out and go and talk to him He knows you like him.


if he knows, why hasn't he said anything I mean i was the one who actually showed up at his class and handed him a note. because of his outgoing personality, Atimes it seems he doesn't care, and then sometimes I see that all he can do is stare or get nervous. At least ive tried...


2 weeks ago on tuesday I walked down his hallway like i always do just to try and talk to him, As soon as he saw me, he stopped chatting with his friends and started pacing around nervously. then he came out of the group a little, and walked towards my side where i would be passing them, and kinda separated himeself from the group. and as I walked by him [ 2 feet away from each other ] we stared at each other...again, i tried to smile, but it was a pretty nervous smile, all he could do was continue to stare back, w/ those same eyes..., and I looked down and kept walking. I wanted to kick my self for not speaking, but I was lost for words. I didn't know what else to do or say... It was terrifying.




then just this passed tuesday, my class ended an hour and 30 mins early so i had time to contemplate what i was going to do. since his class is directly facing the building's lobby and its the closest room to the lobby, I decided to stay there the whole time and wait for him. everytime im even by his door i get so nervous, so i stopped a friend of mine and started chatting with her the whole hour and a half, and my fear eventually went away. you know whats also weird. without even having to see him yet, i felt something was wrong with him, like he was in that room and he was unhappy. i dunno why, i just had this gut feeling, something felt dry. So anyways, the class is finally over. And the first one to leave the classroom happens to be HIM. I knew he was unhappy... i saw it on his face... he usually leaves the class with a friend, chatting and associating. As soon as I turn around, he see's me, he tries to smile, but it was that whatever/nervous smile I gave him last time I saw him. And he nodded his head up. As soon as I saw him, I jumped out of my seat, dropped half of my books, and told the girl I was talking to, that I had to go. I ran towards where he was going, but he went str8 into the bathroom , which the bathroom is 10 feet away from his classroom. I dont think he really had to use the bathroom, it was like he went in there just to go there. So i was like... great... I went back to the lobby, picked up and packed my books and walked towards his way, and I stop walking so me and the girl start chatting infront of the mens room door. He comes out of the bathroom, see's me talking to the girl as im about to sum up our conversation, he avoids eye contact, then goes the opposite way of where he was going. Stops at his classroom door, waits and paces for 5 seconds, turns around and starts heading towards the way he was walking before, (the hallway we always walk down) and i say bye to my friend and start to walk his way aswell. he continues walking down the hallway, very slowly I might add, like he wanted me to catch up or something... but i couldnt do it. i was literally 2 feet behind him, and i knew he knew i was directly behind him, just how i knew that time he was following me.



for those who have no idea what im talking about, this has been going on for some time now.


On my part, i haven't lost interest, but ive lost motivation. Like thinking should I quit or not. because the term is over, and i may have lost my chance, but final exam week is next week, i may see him again, i may not. i dunno.... hoping all of this is worth it. never had to go this extreme just to talk to someone, im usually more forward and prone to walk-up/talk-up, but this is crazy.

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You're at least trying, that's the important thing. I'm guessing he's just too nervous to approach you and will avoid you, because he's probably afraid (sometimes we become afraid of people we like, because we don't want to cause them pain). As far as what you can do, you've tried on several different occasions to approach him and if he hasn't even come and talked to you yet, it's possible his nervousness won't go away yet. I suggest just concentrate on your exams for now, and maybe try one last time to attempt to talk to this guy. Good luck.

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Concentrate on your exams, but it's now or never with this guy because you'll both remain very shy around each other until one of you makes a move.

I know this because I've had that problem so many times!!


Go talk to him. Say Hi/smile then if he's approachable say something else. If he truly likes you he'll say something back or he might not depending on how shy he is, but one of you has to do something or the oppertunity will pass forever! and I've let that happen 3 times with 3 really beautiful/great guys and I really regret it. You have nothing to lose.


I guess over time the guy might lose interest.

I've been after a guy for about a year now and I acted shy with him and he seems a little insecure around me and now I gained more confidence he has a girlfriend! So if you really like this guy, go for it! It'll make your heart race and your knees shake, but at least you both know where each other stands and you don't have to guess anymore.


Good luck!

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You're at least trying, that's the important thing. I'm guessing he's just too nervous to approach you and will avoid you, because he's probably afraid (sometimes we become afraid of people we like, because we don't want to cause them pain). As far as what you can do, you've tried on several different occasions to approach him and if he hasn't even come and talked to you yet, it's possible his nervousness won't go away yet. I suggest just concentrate on your exams for now, and maybe try one last time to attempt to talk to this guy. Good luck.


if he doesnt want to cause me pain, he should have talked to me... instead of leaving me thinking it was something I did.




but shyness is so agonzing so i understand. But gosh, maybe if i back up and and try not to look at him as I do, let him know im not gonna be trying at him forever, and try to ignore him. i dunno.

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My brother once put it like this: the only thing you can do is make yourself friendly and available. If he doesn't step up to the plate, don't speculate and just assume he wasn't interested in a NON-PERSONAL way. Attraction isn't something personal, even if it is, if you catch my drift.

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  • 2 weeks later...

i hate shy boys now.. they make me go mad. *tear* my heart just cant stop thumping.. eehhe


******but shyness is so agonzing so i understand. But gosh, maybe if i back up and and try not to look at him as I do, let him know im not gonna be trying at him forever, and try to ignore him. i dunno.*******



NO NO NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO that will be the ENDDD if you do thatttt NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! > you got it all wronggg DONT DO THAT!

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