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Is this a bad habit to get into?

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Now I know how important it is to a women that the man says her name when he orgasms when receiving a hand job from her or during having sexual intercourse...


I had an experience a few weeks ago where I experience my first O through a hand job of a special girl that I had liked for a very long time... and when I did I used her name which I was glad I did because It showed that I was only thinking about her and not my ex's and she said I would have been in a lot of trouble if I didn't in fact use her name


My problem is that in the fact that it is great that she showed me what I was missing out on [i never use to m.bate before this] everytime I do it myself I always think about her and everytime I climax I call out her name and say how much I want to be inside her to myself afterwards... I have said it so many times afterwards now that it has just become a habit and I can't stop it no matter what


Sometimes I worry about it and think it is a little unhealthy incase that she is not my next sexual partner... but I can't control it...


Should I be worried about something like this? Not sure...

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OMG no male has ever said my name when the big O comes! How sweet! anywayz, i dont think its unhealthy either, do you think your feelings for her are quite strong and you want to be with her and stuff? or do you think this is just a bad habit (in the sense of you calling out her name and stuff)?

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Now I know how important it is to a women that the man says her name when he orgasms when receiving a hand job from her or during having sexual intercourse...


Uh...maybe important to the women you've been involved with, but I don't know that it's valid to assume it's something all (or even most) women want.


Never had a guy I was with do that, and it's never bothered me one bit. Now that I think about it, I don't know that it's something I would personally find desirable.

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OMG no male has ever said my name when the big O comes! How sweet! anywayz, i dont think its unhealthy either, do you think your feelings for her are quite strong and you want to be with her and stuff? or do you think this is just a bad habit (in the sense of you calling out her name and stuff)?


I just love her so much thats why I always fantasize about her all the time, and that's what I think is unhealthy :S

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Thats strange...all the people Ive ever been with, no one called out anyones name at any point, giving OR receiving orgasms!

I'm glad no one ever did..it'd just have been comical to me and a mood wreaker.


Yeah, I think I might've busted out laughing at an inappropriate moment. It's almost too romantic-movie-cliche, and I've never gone for that kind of thing.


I think you should get out of the habit of calling out anyones name out, then youll never embarress yourself or anyone else


Miss Manners says that's why the pet names, "honey" "baby" "sweetie" "darling" "dearheart" etc. were invented.

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Are you in a relationship with this girl? If not, I can see why it would be unhealthy. You have feelings for her, and it could only hurt you worse if nothing more happens from it.. and your feelings are only going to get stronger, espeically if you are having sex with her.


But if you are in a relationship with her, then I don't see why it would matter.


And I'm also one of those girls who doesn't really care about the name calling stuff. If my boyfriend does say my name, it's cute and all, but I don't really think much of it if he doesn't say my name. But I suppose every girl is different.

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Now I know how important it is to a women that the man says her name when he orgasms when receiving a hand job from her or during having sexual intercourse... Should I be worried about something like this? Not sure...


No, in my opinion you should be far more concerned with your stereotyping and generalizations (nod to DN).


I couldn't care less what my partner says, as long as it isn't someone else's name!


Again, my opinion, but if you are worrying about what you might say with your next sexual partner, you've got no business having sex with this one!


And finally, habits are just that -- a habit. You can certainly change any habit if you actually want to. Not to say it won't be difficult, and painful. But it certainly is possible.

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I don't know... We have been involved together for a long time... She says she won't date anyone else in the mean time because she just wants me, I just get this feeling that it's a lie. She is such an attractive girl and she always has loads of guys after her. It's like my first love and I only feel comfortable being with her.

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A month or two, but she says it might take a few months for her to sort herself out to be with me... and I do want to wait for her, I only want her... I just don't want to get hurt again. We always talk, sms and chat on msn... too

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She has a bad history with guys, being used etc... but still she knows I have been so good to her over the past year I have known her even when we were just friends... she just says I am too messed up in the head at the moment to be with you..


My ex gf who has bi-polar also keeps telling her that shes still in love with me which really doesn't help at all, but I haven't spoken to her in eight weeks or so now... so hopefully that is good enough, and she knows I never really had any feelings for my ex.

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