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I winked and now I've got a bite

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I have a feeling this one got away. I'm on the dating website and so is she right now and I know she had to have read my email by now, but I think that if she saw that I was online and was interested just a little that she would have sent a wink or an email back. Maybe I'm wrong. Oh well guess I just have to cast my line out there and try again. I would send her an email right now, but I don't want to sound desparate and needy. Besides I've sent two that had a way of getting in touch with me through email.

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Well here we go again. I cast my line out and already I got another bite. Didn't think it would happen this quickly, but it did. I have a quick question. I just got the email from her today and she provided and email address, how long should I wait before emailing her? Again I don't want to sound desparate or needy, u know?

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Well, what I do is I log onto the dating site once a day (sometimes twice), once in the morning or once at night, and just deal with everyone then. Actually, I just try once in the evening. And then I don't deal with any online dating stuff until the next day. That way, you're just following a schedule.

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Ok, well, why don't you just sign on once a day, at 8 PM, and that is it. If she writes you at 7 PM, respond at 8 PM. Then log off.


no worries. I personally like it when a guy responds to me quickly as it seems he is interested.


The guy that I dated for 4 months that i met online, he responded to all of my e-mails within an hour.

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oh yes, another thing, I think you should maybe think about.


Sometimes, guys e-mail me or "wink" at me online, and then I check their profile and say "no thanks." Some of them are very attractive and seem cool, but there are things in their profile that turn me off (personally).


Like, if they say that they are looking only for slender or toned women, I don't respond. I have on my profile that I am curvy. I am not slender by any stretch of the imagination, but I guess they liked my photo anyways. Well, I'm a bit sensitive about my weight these days, so that if a guy didn't include that he wants a curvy woman, only skinny, I don't respond. Because I'd hate to show up on the date and him be disappointed (even though my photos of me are recent).


Or, some say they don't want a woman who is a "brainiac", then I don't respond either, because I'm in grad school, and I figure that makes me a brainiac. Or if they say they want a religious woman, and the e-mail me. I have in my profile that I'm not religious.


So, either they're not reading my profile well enough, or, those things aren't such a big deal to them.


It's just something to think about. I've not e-mailed very good looking men for those reasons.

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Well for me I want the personality more than the looks, looks for me are a little important, but personality is way more important for me. Although it is funny that you talk about weight, becuase I think that is one of the big things for me. Most women see my pic and see how slender and short I am and get turned off. Oh well can't please them all.




As it turned out with this one girl, she was a fake. I tried emailing her twice and I get an email back saying failure to deliver. I checked the email address I gave her and checked it with the email I send her and it is bogus. I tried emailing her through the personal site telling her the problem and no big surprise, but I get the exact same email she first sent me. So at that time I decided that either she is a bot or that she isn't from this country and is just looking for a green card. Oh well I guess I'll cast away again. I'm just annoyed at these people who say they are from the US, but aren't. I despise liars.

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