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Okay, after 3 weeks of breaking up with my 2 and half year GF i'm slowly coming to terms with the fact that it's over between me and my ex but i have some questions about what should be done about the things that remind me of her.


I have a picture of us in a frame on my desk, and i have various cards and things scattered around my room that are from her. I also have several pictures of us together on my computer and stuff. Me and my Ex are still close friends and usually speak to each other atleast once a day. Is it foolish to keep these items as memories since i'm trying to move on? Or is it stupid to get rid of them becasue they're just memories of an important time in my life?


Also, there is an image on my computer that i created for her when we were together becasue i'm into photoshop and stuff. It has a photo off us, with song lyrics of my favorite song and the words of something like: "Whatever happens i'll always love you". I'm worried that this image could cause problems in future relationships for me if i kept it (i dunno, lets just hypothetically say i had a new GF and she was wondering around my computer and randomly found it), what does everyone else think? I mean, if i ever find someone that i love that much again i'll clearly be over my ex by then, but i put alot of work into creating it and ultimately all it is is another memory of her that i would like to keep it since my ex took up such a big chunk of my life, but obviously i don't want silly things like an image i made for her when we were together ruin future relationships for me.



So i don't really know what to do, should i get rid of everything and move on completely? Or keep it all as memories of the past? Or just get rid of the image that says "I'll always love you" (my ex also has a copy of this) even though by the time i eventually i find someone that i love that much again i'll be welllll over my ex by then and the words will mean nothing.

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Put them in a box (print or save on disc those on your computer) and put them away, or give them to someone to look after for a while. When you have moved on and are feeling better about the break-up you can decide what to do with them at that time.

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I agree with DN. I am one of those people that never throws away things like that but I also don't keep them out on display. Pack it all away in a box. maybe one day in the future when the emotions are not so raw you will be able to look at everything with fond memories.

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But once you get a new gf and begin to have new memories you won't have such an attatchment to your ex's stuff. maybe one day you won't have a heart attack when you throw some of those things away.


Why is it hard for everyone to throw away old letters, gifts and pictures? Because we all still have hope of getting back with our ex's and so we don't have to start all over.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'd also echo tossing it all, or saving it somewhere out of sight.


I have all my ex's things and pictures/etc in my basement in 4 boxes and 1 bag(alot, I know)..


I still time to time rummaging through crap, find things from her, and it doesn't hurt so much when you don't have to endure seeing things like that.


You'll move along better without the constant reminder- regardless of what relationship you have with her now.

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