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I need YOU ADVICE ASAP PLEASE I BEG OF YOU!!! college student SSI & backgroundchecks

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Like the thread posted "background checks... depression" I am in teh same boat. i am 19 years of age. i will be 20 on teh 30th of april. i am a responsible caring good moral person, but due to a lack of family support and high stress levels for my age, i have problems (who doesnt? lol) i mean. i dont want to bore you with my pathetic sob story ofa biography so ill cut tot he chase. I basically grew up with a mother controlled by prescription pain meds she is disabled adn i dont see her living past 60. she has no ahdns or feet i am the oldest child. me and my 4 yr younger brother both dont have a dad. My fatehr is a rapist so all i knwo about him is he had schitzophrenia was kicked out of navy for section 8 adn and alcoholic. I have been through 14 + hospitalizations for depressiona dn suicide attempts starting at age 10. i live in poverty in MAine adn have been basicallya slave for my mother and thus, i am a scape goat for everyones problems as in.. Im always at fault. (most of the hospitalizations seemed like just a way for her to rid of me since she would never visit and didnt call often adn when she did call seems very apathetic) anyways... im 19 now. i got arrested in march because i was drunk at a concert and the police adn cocnert security were treating em liek a child adn i have always been treated like that so i was furious adn i got a disorderly conduct charge. I also have possession of liquor by a minor (civil cahrge) adn a criminal speeding cahrge at 18. I am looking towards a career in law enforecement and or as a psychologist. PLEASE NOTE I AM MENTALLY HEALTHY NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was diagnosed with ADHD, Oppositional.Defiancy.Disorder, BI POLAR, possibly PTSD, and major depressive disorder. Since 2001, i havent been depressed until i hooked up with teh fiacne i am engaged tpo now who amkes me suicidal sometimes with his selfishness and apathy. I never really ahd anyone care for me so thus i trust no one and when i do adn they hurt me, it hurts me bad. God is the only reason why oi never have suceeded. my goal in life is to help all those in peril adn agony of hell on earth since i feel for you cuz no one else cares.

MY QUESTION IS... WHEN I WAS ON SSI AS A CHILD (UNDER 18) ADN IF I GET ON IT NOW, WILL IT AFFECT ME INA BACKGROUND CHECK IN TEH FUTURE? will my charges disqualify me? I been ahving a rough time lately majorly in part because i ahev no home no job my mom is kicking em out, im getting A's in college though, adn no one cares about me no one helps me they only walk over me and use em then trahs me. its sad yes... but tahst why i oppose the police so much because they treat me like * * * *. i know the local police adn they ahev abused me sexually, mentally physically all my life since 10 yrs old) I have been raped bya cousin, bya abbysitter , molested countless times, attempted to be seduced by older men when i was a teen, i ahve had a horrible life. i want to have a positive future. but if i ever fully doubt god, i will kill myself no questions asked. I figure hell on earth is bad enough adn id rather not have eternity of hell when im gone too. Will I be discriminated because I have a Scum for family adn that my adolescence forced me to act adn become what i was? i am a good person now. I am a exteremely ahrd workwer and everything I wanted adn strived for so far has been accomplished. i have good morals, i am versitile, talented, intelligent, i dont guive up, im abitious, persistent, stubborn, and i can be manipulative (in good ways too.) (my iq is 125 last tested in 9th grade) when i was in 6th grade i had college level reading (my poor english skills here are due to severe fast typing and it doesnt matter to me for this purpose)




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I believe that any charges or diagnoses from when you were under 18 are protected.


anyways... im 19 now. i got arrested in march because i was drunk at a concert and the police adn cocnert security were treating em liek a child adn i have always been treated like that so i was furious adn i got a disorderly conduct charge. I also have possession of liquor by a minor (civil cahrge) adn a criminal speeding cahrge at 18. I am looking towards a career in law enforecement and or as a psychologist.


I believe that since you were over 18 when you got arrested for disorderly conduct- that would show up on a criminal background check.


You should check the laws in your state to see which professions and licenses require a criminal background check.





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I'm sure that a lot of employers would not like to see the disorderly conduct charge, but that certainly doesn't mean you won't ever be considered for any job. They just want to know your criminal history and then at that point it's obviously up to them to decide if they want to hire you. I'm sure there are still some places out there that will take you as long as you have some other work experience or at least something positive that can 'outweigh' the negative charge. Good luck!

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Sigh* i havent been "found guilty" yet. I was just wondering since local law enforcement has "biases" and discriminate against mental illnesses. They barely have an IQ themselves so they believe all that stupid hype that dumb quacks feed them.. (basically they think the term "mental illness" means you're crazy and stupid and you dont know whats what from reality. So i was wondering if as an adult, if supplemental security income (SSI) would show up on a backround check, in your credit history, etc. and would screw me out of life opportuniies. i should just move to England. ill be fine there. lol

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I was just wondering since local law enforcement has "biases" and discriminate against mental illnesses. They barely have an IQ themselves so they believe all that stupid hype that dumb quacks feed them


I would really worry if you selected a career in law enforcement and you held this view about people already working in that same field you desire to go into yourself.


Honestly, I do not think it's your background check you need to worry about -but your anger and current views toward the career you seek to become a part of. That could definitely precent you from getting a job, even with a perfect clean background.


Anger and being done wrong has motivated MANY people to go into the careers they are currently in. However, what makes them succeed is being able to turn negative into positive, in order to better themselves and society. Right now there is stil a lot of anger and negativity in your tone, and I think if you're carrying that type of emotionally-charged burden with you, it can hold you back from success.


Be sure to find a happy place inside before you try to contribute anything to the outside world via a career.



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I AM MENTALLY HEALTHY NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was diagnosed with ADHD, Oppositional.Defiancy.Disorder, BI POLAR, possibly PTSD, and major depressive disorder.







I would suggest looking into another field of work to set your goals on there's many other careers to choose from where a background like yours would not affect you getting a job you want.


And if your goal is to become a police officer is to PUNISH TEH SCUM OF TEH EARTH i think the justice league is looking for recruitments ever since batman left.

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  • 3 weeks later...

can i be cat woman haley Berry is awesome ^.^ lol jk. NO i just had a very unfortunate life. Im prou of who i am because of teh struggles ive been through im only 19 adn every year, ive had at least 1 or 2 major traumatic experiences happen that made my life out of control. i dont hjave control over my life. i am a puppet with strings controlled by my mother sicne im her little slave (i have to eb she's about to die of health problems... scares me but we all die someday...) All men fall, but the wones who rise and succeed are the ones known as great I have more ambition adn determination/ motivation to be successful and leave this upper lower class i was unfortunately ascribed. I been resonsible for financial stress, raisng my 4 yr younger thanme brother trying to eb a good role moel and being blamed for his actions.. my mom is psycho. my whole family seriously has gone off the deep end, even though i have adhd and bi polar major depressive disorder adn O.D.D, you probably would never be able to tell since im very mature, stable, easy going, relaxed when im not home or with negative pessimistic people who thrive on teh down fall of teh people around them.. Misery loves company. anyways, Im intelligent, wise, mature, responsible for my age. If i was giiven a test based on my skills abilities, motivation, maturity, intellect, cognitive processes such as memory adn learning at speed, I would pass with exceptional scores because im so advanced for my age, (since i wasnt allowed to have an adolescence i was forced to be an adult at 10) well, that might explain my want and need adn impulsion to "fee;l likea kid again" by doing stupid stuff. i tend to see humor in idiocy... I have no regrets because whats the point of regret? you live adn learn, or make a fool ofyourself adn do it again.. and if you do it again, obviously the consequence wasnt bad enough to deter you or the thing you repeated was pleasurable. I look for positive in negativity. I can be pessimistic at times especially when im depressed adn fighting to live adn not kill myself. Welli am thankful for being raised catholic until 9, because i cant fully doubt god,hell,and heaven. ima fraid of a worse hell taht what im living. I think my main hinderance is my delusional false hope for a better life. I have no control over my destiny. you can help influence it, but things are out of your control. Like hospitalizations, breakups, schooling and finals, accidents, car trroubles... man i ahev the worst luck if i didnt have bad luck id have no luck at all. I swear theres irony in the events of my life because i believe in ghosts so if ghosts are real god is real right? adn its kinda a coinsidence ho i get bombarded with the worst things taht can happen to an american family. im going to write a biography on my mother someday adn piossible an autobiography of myself. it would sell like harry potter i can guarentee theres enough drama, evil, deceit, adn on your toes stories to satisfy anyones need for pleasurable entertainment. i could make a lifetime movie adn you'd watch it and say "that was a good non-fiction movie.. what if that was real? OMFG! who could survive all that!?!?!" and then you see teh credits "Based on a true story" adn tehn your numbfounded... yeah so basically iw asnted to be a police officer so i can go after teh people cops should be addressing adn not speeders adn drug users. maybe big time dealers, but leave the recreational users alone cmon.. I wanted to go after teh child molesters pedophiles adn rapists and men who manipulate and coerce women to have sex with them which pretty much is rape.... i see these destroy a persons life and potential so much especially within the 1st 10 years of life.. the most critical part of becoming who are. Im so anti sexuall violence because i been raped/molested about an average say, 2 times a year. for every year i lived., I was conceived by rape, i was raped as an infant, at 2 by a cousin, molested at 4 by a baby sitter, and so on for every year tehre after. I grew up in a disfunctional family with a single parent: disabled wheelcahir bound mother who wore herself out by trying to function lieka normal person. i have been mentally, emotionally verbally abused all my life nothing good was ever there for me so inmfelt unloved sicne my family ahd no problems shipping me off to a hospital never visited adn made excuses why they couldnt and ha teh nerve to call me adn tell me how theya re goingt ot eh beach while im locked up in something like a friendly prison. i grew up in hospitals so yes im pretty institutionalized. my last hospitalizatioon was when i was 15 so i seen freedom few and inbetween 10 and 15 i had about 15+ hospitalizations in wewhich 2 hospitals i ahd been to over 6 times so my return was liek. hey (staff) beena while huh? having fun watching em grow up lieka lab rat? Im totally amazed, excited, proud, adn confident, maybe a little concieted now because of hpw much i went througha dn survived adn managed to still be sane and able to function on a normal level... I lookat people who commit suicide because thier dad was a drunk and you were the varsityy football star. talk about pain.... i have no hard feelings for people who actually commity suicide over rediculous circumstances such as that adn other thinks like im picked on at school, or i got a B minus. Now if you were 12, had a gun to your head and was raped by your father (happened to my friends sister ) then you ahve the right to feel suicidal and i sympathize. aadn i dont encourage suicide, iw ant to help these people as a profession makes me feel awesome how i have saved so amny lives but they always turn out to ber snobby adn conceited. I turn ppl from depressed adn suicidal to conceited adn think they are better than you... who helped the,m haha tahst kinda funny but dissappointing)

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Under 18? You're fine.


Negative brotha. If you want to be a psychologist (we're talking Ph.D.) and especially a law enforcement officer, that criminal and medical background will stop you. A background check for police academies, the military, (and I assume a medical school or residency program too) is very thorough and everything will be exposed, even if they are sealed juvenile records.

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