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what do I do in the summer to keep my head up?

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i am also in college (i am a junior) and i must say that i have never really paid that much attention to the guys i have been on campus with. this may partially be because i am a tiny little bit older (i am 24), but i think that mostly it's because i see school as primarily a learning environment and not necessarily a dating environment. i would suggest using your summer to get acquainted with the soical activities that will be available to you whilst at your new college: bars, music venues, parks, etc... make yourself at home in these places -- get to know the bartender, the doorman, the trails -- then you will become infinitely more interesting and useful than the guy who has nothing to contribute to her night, once you meet her...

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i am also in college (i am a junior) and i must say that i have never really paid that much attention to the guys i have been on campus with. this may partially be because i am a tiny little bit older (i am 24), but i think that mostly it's because i see school as primarily a learning environment and not necessarily a dating environment. i would suggest using your summer to get acquainted with the soical activities that will be available to you whilst at your new college: bars, music venues, parks, etc... make yourself at home in these places -- get to know the bartender, the doorman, the trails -- then you will become infinitely more interesting and useful than the guy who has nothing to contribute to her night, once you meet her...


well I won't be moving to the new city until august, so I won't really know the area until then lol.


I would like to meet new people this summer though, especially women haha. Got any suggestions?

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