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Ok... Well... How Embarrassing, But i have to ask da girls.


Usally its all good and i have a normal period. BUT...


i aint started sense Christmas Eve...


Which was 4 months ago... nearly 5!!


I aint had sex or even been fingered by a boy! Not even Jason

*Yes 1 Month 2moz*


Its well scary!!


What if its all together stopped!


I cant ave kids!





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for your age (15), it's not uncommon to have an irregular cycle, especially when you first start them. how long ago did you start getting yr periods?


it doesn't sound like anything to be worried about (in fact worrying + stress can actually delay menstruation) - but go see your doctor so he/she can put your mind at rest.

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Teen girls often have fluctuating periods, as your body is still trying to work itself out.


Stress, illness, medications, weight changes, can also all alter it.


Though, not having one for a while can make you feel pretty icky too after a while.


I would suggest probably talking to your doctor about it though since it has been a few months.


Even if you did have an irregular cycle, it does not mean you can never have children. It just makes it less "easy" to predict ovulation, but many people do have children naturally, or by using clomid or other drugs that spur on ovulation.

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Well, even make doctors learn about this kinda stuff


If you are not comfortable with a male doctor though you can ask for a nurse practitioner to examine you or go to a Planned Parenthood clinic.


They will probably check your body weight/general health, ask you more information about your cycle. They may give you something to bring on a period (like Provera) and see what effect that has.

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that same thing happened to my firend she ended up getting really sick and had to go to the hospital she had a infection i suggest u go see a doctor, request a girl or even ask ur mom to go to a gienacologist, there grl doctors so yeah i'm not saying u have what my friend had but i would get it checked out b4 it gets worse possibly

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I got mine when i was 14 and just after i turned 16 they stopped. I had already had intercourse before that! and they stopped for 9months! after 3months, i went and got a pregnancy test done, i got ultrasounds done and everything. And all those tests kept being repeated until 6months of tests, my period shows up! Even now i get them once a month yes. But for like 2-3days. And thats Light! Every few months i will have one period which is quite heavy (well heavy for me normal for many other girls) and that usually lasts 3days max! Thats it. I love it!

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