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Why is it so hard to meet someone nice?

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I just don't understand why it's so hard to meet a good looking man who is a nice person. Me being single for 4 years it's dragging on a bit now. Do you think i need to change anything about me? or is it the world thats going crazy.




Some one has a grate sig here it says


"To meet the man of you dreams you must be the woman of theres"


I would add


"Stop looking and you will find"

Trust me its true

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Well, there are lots of ideas.


I think you are :

1. looking in the wrong places

2. advertizing the wrong thing.


About the "Wrong Places"

- Change your routine. Get up earlier. Meet people at the grocery store on weekends or some other time.

- Find people with similar interests, take dancing lessons (latin,swing)

or go to a biking/hiking club or some other interest. Perhaps even church.

Don't take a woodworking class, those are filled with women wanting to meet hot carpenters =)

- bars and pubs would tend towards the type of guy that is hunting for casual hook-ups. Change venues. Let friends know you'd be available to be setup with mutual friends. Just be honest and open. Why not?


About the "Wrong Thing"

You say you want a "serious" relationship, yet are dating all the time, seemingly with "good looking" players that keep breaking your heart. So the "nice guys" that are hovering around may actually see YOU as the player and are gonna avoid you.


What about giving the chance to a "nice looking" guy that doesn't dress like a rock star and isn't so smooth and charming all the girls? Ever considered that the "rock star" boyfriend may never be as loyal as a normal guy? How important is the "look" of the guy versus his character?

How important is it how YOU look on his arm?


If you insist on trying to find a diamond among the "players", then weed out the weak ones by telling them first thing, you're not gonna give away your cookies (sex) until they are in for the long haul. Don't keep trying to placate them. You're worth more than that aren't you? So what if they whine, they're not the kind of guy you're looking for.


Try slightly older guys that are more willing to settle down.


Go for quality over quantity.

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