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*ugh* hair...down there!

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i think girls should at least trim down there......so that its not all over the place. it just shows that they want to have a clean look, same reason why they shave their legs. however, i've heard not as good things about shaving the whole thinking i.e. itchiness. i heard it gets pretty itchy after it starts growing back. thats just my 2 cents

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ahem.... the hair down there.....

well i shave and most of my friends shave too

im bisexual so i've been with girls and i'd rather that they shave as well

(guys aren't as bad as girls)

like.. when you go down there.. on a guy... its not blocking your way

with girls it is...

i duno talk to whoever your 'with' about it

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  • 2 weeks later...

i think a girl having a normal batch of hair down there is just fine. I dont think a girl needs to shave it all or even trim unless he wants to for her own reasons. I have a girl friend who shaved it all because she thinks that it makes that area more senstitive when a guy is doing oral sex to her. I dont get loose hairs in my mouth when I'm going down on a girl who isnt shaved so thats not an issue. If you want to shave, do it because it does something for you not for the guy.

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I've been shaving down there for 4 years and it does itch really bad if you let it go too long. I find that I like it much better shaved as much as guys do. I think it's nice if a guy trims a little down there b/c sometimes if you're doing oral you may get a pube hair stuck in your teeth....it's gross. So guys...you like oral a lot...do us girls a favor...if you have a lot of hair please trim it!

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i think that girls shud shave if they want to, and dont if they dont. if a guy can't handle a bit of hair down there, then they r immature and shud grow up. its only a bit of hair for christs sake.

i personally trim quite a bit off, but i still have a bit of hair. mi boyfrend wants me to shave it all off, but no way am i gettin a razor and parting the lips to shave all that sensitive stuff i mean OUCH! if i cut miself....gees.

so he just has to learn to live with it. and he loves it now...calls it soft

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  • 2 months later...

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