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Messed with my head....now all messed up!


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ok, well my ex boyfriend Jeff, cheated on me lied, and used me. I kept running back but what he did this weekend was the last straw. He went back to his babys mom. Which he lied and told me he wouldnt. I liked him so much, and he hurt me so bad, and all I could do is sit here and be upset, and it sucks. He fed me so much crap, and I fell for all of it and I feel so stupid. If he trys to call Im gonna tell him its over and that I dont want to talk to him, but thats not even lookin good hes not callin. Is it wrong to wish he'd call? I just wish I could tell him that and watch his mouth drop. I am so hurt. He was very possessive and jealous, and he said he could do what he wanted but if I did then it was over. But he had such a sweet side to him, was it all a lie....im so confused. please help me

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in my view nobody's all good or all bad (even world's biggest tyrant adolf hitler was supposedly kind to animals) but jeff sounds like he doesn't have enough respect for your feelings for you to waste your time fretting over him. never mind getting the last word, it won't bring you any peace. i say preserve your precious dignity and just shine him on.

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I know how you feel. I have experienced something similar. I don't believe anyone is all bad or all good, but just because someone has 'a nice side' doesn't justify them disrespecting you and treating you badly. I think it's natural to wish he'd call coz you want to know that he does really want you, but to be honest, why would you want him to want you? So he can win you over again with his lies then treat you badly again?


Thank God that he's gone. He sounds like a right loser. The other girl can have him (if she even wants him in the first place!)


I know it's extremely hard to get over someone you have strong feelings for, but at the end of the day you have to think about your own happiness. Does he really make you happy? It doesn't sound like it. At the end of the day, sometimes you have to realise that your feelings cloud what's really going on so you have to override them with your gut instinct.


You know you deserve better, so I think you should go no contact and move on without him messing up your life.

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