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So my boyfriend and i have been dating for aout 6months and we went out last saterday to the bar we were both pretty drunk and he started saying a bunch of stuff that we have never talk about before. Like he wants to marry me and have kids and he wants whats best for "are" family. I have this theory that people speak the truth when they are drunk. They say things they wouldn;t normally say but its usually what there thinking. Anyon one have an opinion on weather this is random drunk talk or if he really wants these things with me?

Thanks for anyones thoughts

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Your in a tough position. I guess you need to know exactly how a person is to know whether or not its true or just gibberish. And I know you know him. But I mean like ... well you know how when you go out with friends and they get drunk? you know how you can sort of predict what they are going to be like? Well youd need to know what hed be like. Whether he is a truth teller, whether he just speaks gibberish or what. I myself, when im drunk, turn into a random chick, and i will say hello to everyone, and strike up random conversations with anybody. LOL and my friends expect that is going to happen when we plan to get drunk. Then again most of my friends are truth talkers. And sometimes it scares me a little. Some of the stuff they say. So you really need to just sit down and talk to him. Once you know what he means, you can predict what he will be like next time and you wont be confused about what he is saying. Is he a dreamer or a truth talker?!?!


Love SL.

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Usually, when you've been dating 6 months, you normally have some idea as to whether you want to end up with this person or not. You might not feel ready to get engaged, especially if either/both of you are young. He could well be saying the truth. The big question is that are you in a position to consider marriage or are you both still studying? Do you like the idea of being married to him? I wouldn't go for any "clear-the-air" talks just yet but I'd watch for the signs in how he behaves over the next few weeks. If you have different expectations of the future of the relationship, it could break you up. If they're similar and you end up together, great and can I be a bridesmaid?

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I call alcohol Truth Juice because whenever I get wasted I always tell the truth even if its not nice! but I have had men say to me in the past "I love you!" when they are drunk and when sober they havent meant it. So do not take this conversation as law, unless he tells you these things sober.


Everyone deals with alcohol differently and it also depends on how drunk you are. I get so drunk sometimes that I start moaning about everything and everyone and I say things that I dont mean and then in the morning can't remember!

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I agree with eleanorrigby1, unfortunately I am one of those suckers to for truth juice. I always tell the truth when I am drunk as well. It really depends on the type of person you are... I think generally you don't speak the truth if you drink waaaayyyyyyyyyyyy tooo much... (many regrets there) but if I drink enough to make myself happy then I'll tell anyone the truth... Happy or not!

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