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I was thinking about this last night before going to sleep for quite some time, I know this might come back and hit me in the face but I couldn't come up with an answer to why...


When we are hurt, stood up or pushed away from someone we truly care about time and time again... then if it truly gets to a point where we want to be... ie cuddling in bed with that person later on in bed... why does all the pain and grief go away?.. It just seems to disappear, but where and why? surely some of this should still linger somewhere in our heads... just because you are now with that person why does the aggrivation go away for some reason?


I remember once being stood up around ten times by a girl, then when we finally spent our first night together was amazing although we didn't do a much, all the crap just seemed to disappear while I was lying next to her...


I am interested to see what people's responses will be!

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I believe the anger and pain you feel, that is caused by a loved one is easily washed away becuz like sexychiick mentioned the knowing of being loved and having love is very overpowering as a emotion. But to a certain degree there is a level of unconditional love, what i mean by this, is that the bond between to people is so strong that it prevents any real grudges from occurring. Like dogs for example. No matter what you do, scold them, yell at them, lock'em in a room w/e, they will unconditionally love you. Of course to a certain degree, the feelings of caution, and fear will grow.

And I read that when you fall in love, the chemical hormones in your brain prevent memory to a certain degree, this could also affect that.


P.S. Just in case some of you are wondering..I don't beat or abuise my pets in any manor.

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