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ok well my boyfriend and I broke up more than 4 months ago. we still keep in touch and i still love him very much but today i met up with him and some friends and it was the worst day of my life for a lot of reasons recently I found out a very disturbing secret that was kept from me for many years and I just have so much going on the I'm a little out of it and I'm very confused and I don't know what I want.


well it wasn't like I was looking for anyone and I'm still in love with my ex as I said before but surprisingly an old friend and i began to talk and I think I have a crush on him bt I cant help but feel guilty. my ex has openly told me that he doesnt want me and that he doenst like me bt I always kinda had that hope and i still do but its slowly going away.


I hope that its not just me missing being in a relationship but my friend M is VERY handsome, SUPER sweet, and he just makes me gitty and happy its so0o weird. I'm confused I want to go out with him but I feel guilty and I still love my ex bt the more I learn about M the more I like him.


I just wanted to know from people with experiance what it is that i should do. wait, go for it, its too soon... I'm just curious

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I would say you should wait a bit longer. As you said, you are confused and you might just be craving a relationship. This is exactly what happened to me - I thought I'd fallen for a male friend and I told him and was all clingy and he just didn't feel the same way and now I realise I just wanted to be with someone. I stupidly told this guy that I loved him more than a friend because at the time I thought I did, but when i eventually got over my ex, i realised that i hadn't really been in love with my friend in that way at all!


Wait until you are entirely sure and until you are over your ex. It's not fair on anyone, to date them and still be wanting the ex.

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well thank u very much well we have liked eachother for a long time but we just never got to be together. would it be a good idea to go out on dates with him?? cuz i know that i wouldnt into anything commited until i knew i really liked him right now i just have a crush on him. and i think it would help me get over my ex which i really want to do but i can never seem to do it

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