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Women, what do you do when you show you're interested/flirting with a guy?

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Depends on the situation and if you know the person.

Why do you think someone was flirting with you and your not sure if she truly was?


It's not that I think someone was flirting with me and I wasn't sure if she truly was.


It's that I've never known a woman to show interest in me in the whole of my life.


So I'm really hoping that when women show interest they usually do it really subtley, which means maybe I do sometimes get shown interest from some women and I just don't notice it.

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Hmmm. My friends say I am totally oblivious when some guy is flirting me. So now we have a code word. Peanut Butter when that word is thrown out I really have to put my radar on.

Some people are just being nice and some are flirting. I guess if you are interested you have to make the move? Smiles and longer then normal eye connection is a definate sign. Making conversation with you out of the blue can also be a flirtation.

You just have to be aware of the happs around you is all.

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What's the point if women obviously aren't interested in me though?


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anything here that you have noticed women do?


Well, I've had a woman start a conversation or smile when they say something to me before but that absolutley doesn't mean anything. Apart from that none of the other things on the list have happened.

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Yeah but you can't stop doing so nor can you let yourself get down simply because things aren't going the way you want them to yet.


Here are some things I do when I'm interested in a guy or flirting with him:


1. I tend maintain eye contact. If a girl isn't interested her eyes will wander, usually for a friend to come "save" her.

2. My posture tends to be towards whoever it is that I'm interested in. You'll notice that if a girl is not interested in you, she won't face you. Her legs may also be crossed away from you. If you don't like someone you will not let yourself be vulnerable to them or open to them. Giving you "the shoulder" is another sign that a girl isn't interested. Another big sign is if you sit next to her and she scoots away from you a little.

3. I smile nice and big and laugh if I think he's funny. Girls who aren't interested will give you the weak "Um...ok" smile like she's counting down the minutes until you walk away. Also, if she's not interested in you, even if you're being clever, she's not going to laugh at your jokes. She will either give you the weak smile previously mentioned or she will give you the fakest laugh you've ever heard.

4. I get playful, as in I may girlishly give you a shove or something. If a girl isn't interested, the last thing she wants to do is make any kind of physical contact with you because that may lead you on and all she wants is for you to leave her alone.

5. I ask questions about the person because I want to get to know them. You'll find if a girl isn't interested, you'll be the one doing all of the talking and it will be like talking to a brick wall.


I hope this helps!

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Yeah but you can't stop doing so nor can you let yourself get down simply because things aren't going the way you want them to yet.


But what're the chances it will happen since I'm 30 and it's never happened yet?


Anyway, thanks for the list.

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With that defeatist attititude you will repel women rather than draw them into you. I am 33 so what your 30? Do you think that is the end all age?


As my mom has always said a smile goes aloooooong way. You know what she is right. I did that a couple weekends ago while out and I was drawing people in.


Confidence and a smile is the key.

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With that defeatist attititude you will repel women rather than draw them into you....


I could not agree more. Women like a guy who is confident. You don't necissarily have to be but don't walk around with your head hung low.


It's never too late. My cousin is beautiful and undeniably a great person. She is still single and looking for good man and she's 28. Like ElektraHere said, do you think 30 is the end-all age? There is no end-all age! There are single people looking for love of all ages! Don't give up simply because you think you are getting old. You're not. Old is how you feel so if you still feel great and have energy, that's all that matters.

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I don't think I'm really old, infact I'm very young for my age, but if not one woman has shown an interest in me by the time I'm 30, what are the chances that they ever will do?


I'm not being a defeatist, I'm just being real.


A long time ago I always used to think that a lot of women would be attracted to me, but that never got me anywhere either.

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my friend....u gotta show confidence!!!


its not about being real....its about believing in urself!!!


someone told me that if u smile even when ur just walking down the road, ur day will be that much happier....and believe me...it works!!!! and when ur happy, girls sense that and more than u know they will want a piece of that happiness as well!


im only 21 but so far from my own experience....u'll meet women at the strangest places...when u least expect it! dont limit yourself to a "club" or "bar" scene...there are women everywhere!!....and if u do see a girl that your interested in....just simply go and talk to her, dont wait for her to talk to u! if she doesn't show u any interest, walk off and dust her off your shoulder! but hey man....bottom line is...believe in yourself!! know ur all that and girls want a piece of it! lol


i should really take some of my own advice...lol

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Hi Ross!


Can I ask you a few questions. I am just trying to get an idea about how you go about meeting women or what you do when you are around them or interested in them.


Do you get shy?


Do you not make eye contact?


Do you smile?- I cannot stress enough, this is what gets a woman's attention.


Do you compliment them? It can be very simple like, "You have beautiful eyes or "you have a lovely smile."


Women love confidence and generally feel drawn to a confident men. So how would you describe your behavior when you are around women?

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Hi Ross!


Can I ask you a few questions. I am just trying to get an idea about how you go about meeting women or what you do when you are around them or interested in them.


No problemo.


Do you get shy?




Do you not make eye contact?


It depends on the situation, if I'm talking to a woman then obviously I keep eye contact, but if I'm somewhere like say a pub, supermarket or walking down the street then I find extreamley hard to make eye contact with a woman I'm not talking to and don't know, I've only just started to do it on the very rare occasion recently.


Do you smile?- I cannot stress enough, this is what gets a woman's attention.


Again it depends on the situation, if I'm talking to a girl I'll sometimes smile unless I'm feeling nervous. Or say like if I walk into somewhere and I approach a woman that works in there to ask her something I'll greet her with a smile.


Do you compliment them? It can be very simple like, "You have beautiful eyes or "you have a lovely smile."


Not really, I don't really think I've ever been in the right kind of situation to just suddenly come out with something like that, or if I have I haven't noticed it.


Women love confidence and generally feel drawn to a confident men. So how would you describe your behavior when you are around women?


If I'm interacting with them usually shy, otherwise I think my body language does come accross as confident, depending on the situation.

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Ok....you seem to be a shy guy. But that is ok...I believe there is a solution.


I would "practice" getting your confidence level up. No matter how you slice it or dice it, women are drawn to confidence like bees to honey.


Like, when you are in a supermarket, just smile. Just put on a smile on your face. Nothing cheesey...just like you are just enjoying the day and having a lot to be thankful for. Or when you are in the pub...smile. I smile all the time and gets everyone's attention and puts them at ease. Eye contact is also very important. For example, if you in the check-out line and a women is the cashier, make eye contact and smile. Then when you leave, wish her a nice day. So by doing this on a daily basis, it will become more natural to you.


Women show their interest in a guy when they smile and make eye contact as well. They get a little flirty and may make bodily contact such as putting her hand on your arm, or shoulder. Bumping elbows and so forth. She may also giggle and do little nervous things like play with her hair. Also, she will pay attention to you and compliment you as well. Every women is different but these are common things that may happen. These are subtle things to keep an eye out for in the future.


I hope this helps you in any way.

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Thanks kellbell, I'm just worried that if I do get more confidence, smile more and make more eye contact that it still wont make any difference.


I mean shy guys still get women, there's got to be something else which stops women from wanting me, I've always thought maybe there is something wrong with me on a biological level. Like hormones or pheremones or something.

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Well, there is a saying that goes something like...


If you do things the same way every time, you are doing to get the same results.


Try something different for a change, smile and make eye contact. There have been many times in the past where I felt a guy hated me or was not interested in me because he did not smile or make eye contact. I thought I did something wrong or sometimes I thought the guy was a jerk. There is no way in heck a young lady is going to think you are a jerk if you smile and make eye contact. Try it...see what happens. Just give it a whirl. You have everything to gain, right?

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