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If you disect my response, you will clearly see I do not hate gays, in fact I like them just fine. I disagree with the way this guy is given advice. Also you apparently did just waste your breath on me. As I stated, I knew I would be given blanket statements about hating gays. I did get an intelligent response so far, which was quite refreshing. Maybe I read the theme of this thread wrong somewhere, and if I did so I apologize. I still stand by my opinion, however. If this website is about "support and recovery" as you claim, why do you attack this man with your opinions? A lot of people are still in the dark about homosexuality, so why not (especially on a recovery and support website) politely educate him instead of taking out all your frustrations of society's lack of acceptance on him? Is it really so hard to take a minute to think out an intelligent response? If you disagree with me, why not share a little of your perspective? Maybe that way I can formulate a better opinion. Instead I get "I will not waste my breath on you" and "spew your jargon on a hate website." It seems that anyone with a differing opinion on a touchy subject is not allowed into your little utopia. Awaiting more naive "omg ur like such a gay h8tr" responses...

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Being someone who had her parents stay together instead of getting divorced while my brothers and I were younger, I'm inclined to say she's probably doing them a favor in the long run. I had to see my parents argue, have fights, have my mom up and leave town a few days with one of her lovers (actually this happened more than once)...it was emotionally hard on all of us.


I don't believe the children will be as affected as much for having two moms like it seems your thinking. Yes, they'll probably be teased in school, but kids are cruel. They would have just found something else to tease them about. The only thing that bothered me is when you said something about these children not being able to see their uncle? Separating them from their father is probably not the best choice - especially if he can't have any more children!

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