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Hey there everyone! I'm in need of help, and if any of you have advice, I would appreciate it very much. So here's my diliema. I met a guy in September through a DEP program. (That's just a program for anyone who had just joined the Navy and hadn't gone to boot camp yet.) He and I became friends and before I knew it I knew that I wanted more. I wasn't sure about what he wanted for awhile, but I was relieved to know that he felt the same way before he left at the end of January. He's the sweetest, most caring guy that I've ever met. But because he's in boot camp, I haven't been able to talk to him for ten weeks, and I'm so scared that things won't be the same. What if he's moved on, what if he no longer cares about me? I don't know how he feels about us, or if he even cares about me in the same way anymore. Not only that but I'm afraid about when we're both in the Navy and going off to different countries and I may not see him for months or even a year. I care about him so much though and I want our relationship to work, I just don't know how it's going to work. Sorry it's so long, but I really need some advice. Everyone says that long-distance relationships never work out, but I'm determined to make this one last if I can. Thanks!!


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I've had these fears in situations similar to this before. That is all they are. Fears. You don't have sufficient information to support any thought you may be having about him moving on etc. He is in boot camp and until you know for sure what is going on, don't jump off a bridge about it. I know how tough it is to deal with these kinds of fears, "why haven't they called, have they moved on?, do they still feel the same way?". I know how you feel and they can become torturous at times. Do not let your fears motivate you right now. Don't jump into a pool until you know theres water in it.

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That is a tough situation. But he may be wondering and feeling the same things about you. Can the 2 of you write to each other? I know its scary not knowing where you stand, but worrying about it won't change anything. It will just drive you crazy. You should try to make some form of contact w/him, maybe a letter. See what kind of response you get.

A long distant relationship has the same chance of working as any other relationship. Good luck

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Hi, I believe that I've got the answer you're looking for.


I as well am a member of the Armed Forces (USAF), and trust me... in basic training, all you're thinking about are two things.


1) Getting through your training without any setbacks.

2) How much you just want to get back to those you love and care about.


I know that #2 helped me get through basic training. I used it as a motivational tool for myself. That's all I thought about, and as corny as it sounds, when we would do our pyshical training every morning, I envisioned that I was running to my girlfriend, and it motivated me to move faster and be sharper than the rest.


So trust me, if he cares for you like he says he does, YOU are all that's on his mind.


Now here's the tough part. The military has what's called "Joint Spouse Assignments".


SPOUSE is the key word. It allows two members who are married and in the Armed Forces to always have their assignments together.



Good luck.

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