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Wedding speech from the heart?

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I am getting married next week. My GF has told me to say "something from the heart" on our wedding day.


I am totally lost for words and my mind is blank on what to say.


I like to get some ideas/suggestions on things that were said on your wedding day that melted you(/your GFs) hearts. Or what you prefer him to have said.

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i didn't speak at my wedding but i did speak at my sister's and another... i just told stories about when we were young, some funny stuff and some mushy stuff.


with you.... i would think about how you first met her, what was your first thought... did anything special or funny happen at that time.. did she have a brother, how was meeting him or her family for the first time. maybe say how much you'll enjoy becoming part of her family. if she has a sister and you don't, now you will have the sister you always wanted.. i think it would be best if you told true love stories and funny experiences you had together. also what you look forward to in the future.

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I agree with shyanne. Talk about fond memories she can relate to- make it both sweet and light-hearted (but don't allude to anything that will embarrass her or her family- for instance I was once at a wedding last summer where the groom (while partially intoxicated) said "when I first met your family, I thought your dad was crazy, but now I love him!" -stuff like that is ummmm...a major no no )


Just be yourself. Don't worry about being nervous- if you appear nervous everyone will just think it's cute and even sweeter. When I walked down the aisle and saw how nervous my husband looked I thought it was the cutest thing ever. I knew he was not nervous about getting married, but nervous about the ceremony itself going smoothly.



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