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Calling by first name in email and texts-- bad sign??

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Hi Guys,,,

quick question.... I have been getting emails and texts from my gf and they are all amazing texts.... always saying I miss you so much I love you so much etc..... usually when write emails, it will say Hi Baby or Hi Babe..... something like that... recently, ive gotten an email and a text at different times ( the past 2) that say Hi XXXXX ( my name) not hi baby or hi babe... just wondering if it means anything... all her emails have said I love you and I miss you so much its already been too long wish you were here with me I love you.... so not like there is anything wrong... just wondering why the use of the full name??

p.s - for background check my last post... my gf is volunteering at an orphanage in india for 2 months and is backpacking for 4


Thanks guys

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dont worry about the texting or email. How does she act around you? How does she act around other men?


Remember that actions speak louder than words.


Okay i just realized it was long distance. When you guys speak on the phone..how often is it that she calls you? Also are your phone calls short, medium length or long? Does she sound distant and make some stupid excuse to get off the phone with you. Remember that if a girl loves you...she wants to hear from you and talk to you. She'll bend over backwards just to make you happy.

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If it's only been a couple of times I wouldn't be worried. If it goes on longer than that, and the emails and messages start getting more distant then there might be a problem. But based on what you are saying about the rest of her messages I don't think there is anything to be concerned about.

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There is a nice song by Del Amitri about a long distance relationship. The lyrics are exactly about the soothing effect that saying your loved one's name can have... Here is part of it:


With the sweet drip of every raindrop

Time brings you closer to me

And with each new sign at every train-stop

Another hour without you is consigned to history


And with each tick of my alarm clock

I get crazy for the days to get to you

When I can hold you and kiss you and have you

Instead of staring at some photo like a fool


But as day turns to night there's this hopelessness to fight

When I think that I might not make it through


But honey sometimes I just have to say your name

To hear it hanging in the air, to know it sounds the same

And sometimes when I'm blue, I know just what to do

To keep the blues at bay you know I only have to say your name

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm in a LDR and I am 100% in love with my bf. I send him nice texts-- but I don't call him baby or babe. However, he calls me baby after almost every sentence he utters to me. I wondered if this bothered him (and after reading your post, I think I might just ask him). I just am sorta a goof when it comes to relationships (I havent had many) and I don't know if he would want me to call him "baby" etc. LOL. So, yep, I think I'm gonna ask him. So, to you, don't worry about it that she calls you by your first name. It means nothing.


On a completely unrelated note, my friend's boyfriend calls her "Dear" and she HATES it-- but cant tell him because she thinks it will hurt his feelings because she knows he means it with utmost kindness. So, at least she isn't calling you some dumb pet name you hate.


Anyway, it means nothing. If you have a good relationship-- just tell her you'd like her to call you babe or baby or whatever you want.

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I wouldn't worry, When I write emails to guys I like or boyfriends, I always change between first name, babe, sexy etc. Just to mix it up. I think there is more of a clue as to how she feels at the end of the email. If there is suddenly an absense of the xxx's I would be more worried.

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