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Being yourself, shutting up, and Living!

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Ok so I spent 27 years of my life, (my whole life) trying to be perfect. I tried to please everyone, do every rule the right way, follow every code, say the right thing, know the right people, please everyone over analyze every detail rethink, think again, discuss, think again, analyze, question, analyze, this means this, and that means that, well this person must mean this and that person must mean that and I have to do this because of this reason and live this way because AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH.


So I am sitting here thinkin, "man i haven't lived a day in my 'life'".


So I just got this feeling, "shut up, live, relax, stop thinking so much and start living". Stop looking in and look out. LIVE LIVE LIVE LIVE LIVE.


It took having a nervous breakdown to come to this conclusion.


This post makes no sense but I had to say it.





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No one is perfect. Accepting that and allowing yourself to make mistakes, learning from them, and becoming a better person today than you were yesterday is the best thing you can do for yourself.


There's nothing wrong with being introverted, but make sure you're extraverting a bit too. Focusing on others is a great way to look outward, as you seem to desire.

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I have no idea what im doing or where i'm going. I am in school for IT now so i kinda have to go through with it BUT, we'll see.


But what is it that you have always wanted to do? Maybe you thought of something when you were a kid?


For myself I always wanted to travel, when I was 8 or so I can remember the reoccurring theme of imagining myself as an explorer like Drake, Cook, Columbus. It took a break up and the realization I was about to do anything to stay with this girl to get me to chase my dream. 4 years later I was still sleeping where I could, in small villages where i couldnt speak the language,and most of all smiling.

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