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My husband and I have been together for 7 yrs we dated through high school and I was his first. we split up about 2 yrs ago to make sure we wanted to be together and to get out any urges we may have bottled up inside before marriage. I took advantage of the split up but he was not as motivated. He sleeped with one person- this was a last minute thing in the back of his car. now he is feeling like he wants to be single again but does not want to devorce. He brought up the idea of a 3 some and I am still trying to decide. He nows I am the only woman he would spend the rest of his life with but he did not get to have a real sexual experiance with anyone but me. Ive never done anything like this before and I am alittle curious but also scared of it causeing more dammage to our marriage. I am leaning twoard the yes side but would like input from others about this.

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My advice, don't do it. It's NOT healthy for your relationship at all. If he wants to be single, you need to address the problem, something is underlying. You said your vows, and that should mean something to the both of you. Really think about that before you jump in to something like this that can destroy a marriage.


I urge you to seek a marriage councellor before you risk this, really.




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He wants to be single but doesnt want a divorce? Okay tell him to make up him mind! Remind him of the commitment he made one day of marriage!!! Why should you volunteer to have a three some because he is not happy with just one woman? NO! No! NO! Im sorry but i am sensitive in the subject of people sharing their loved ones! That will change everything between the two of you. Problems will arise from it, no matter how sure you are that they wont. It will create jealousy and suspicion. Tell him that you'll have a threesome as long as its with him and another man. see how he reacts to this! Im sure he won't like that idea. Stand your grounds and don't get into this unless YOU want to... dont do it to please him. You should be the only woman that he wants in his life.

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I don't know if I'd tell him that, some guys might like seeing their woman with another man (ughhh, I happen to know some), and that may not be the right thing to say...


I do see your point clearly, though. Maybe phrasing it in this sense would have more effect... Tell him you want to see him with another man, not that you'll be involved with the guy. It might make him realize what he's asking.


I dunno, just a thought. Maybe I'm way off track...



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I'd hafta agree to them. It wouldn't be good. What if y'all did that and he liked it but you didnt' and then he kept asking you to do it again and you didn't to? Or even worse, what if some how he got both of you pregnant?


there's definintely things to think about when it comes to stuff like that. i hope you make the right decision in your case.

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