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check out assistant


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Recently I have formed an attraction towards a check out assistant in my local supermarket. She works on Sundays, which is when I do my shopping, but our opportunity to chat is minimal being as how busy it gets on Sunday. By the time I've been though and paid for my shopping there's a queue growing. The last thing I want is to have an audience when I'm trying to chat someone up, particularly as it's my local town and i'm not a naturally confident person.

However, I'm determined at least to give it a go. Last month I lost a very dear friend and from that moment forth I promised myself that in his honour I would tackle my fears. Life's too short not to, after all. Unfortunately it hasn't really gone as planned so far.

If, however, anyone can offer any advice, relay their experiences or simply suggest some ice breakers I'd be most grateful. Bear in mind by the time I've been through and paid for my items opportunities are minimal so seconds count.


Thanks in advance

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I agree with what the others have said by building up a conversation with her everytime you go too her in particular. Don't make any plans on how too talk because you'll end up not following them, just keep going to her everytime make yourself more confident then eventually she'll pick on the fact that you keep going to her and eventually either you or she will ask if you want to do something.


If you can make her laugh whilst your paying for your goods and packing will keep you in good stead and also hopefully make a little impression on her and she will again hopefully pick up on this


Be and just be yourself, that's all you can do and that's all she'd expect because she doesn't know you but still you don't want too sell a false image of yourself too her.


Best of luck with her and i hope this helps

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