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I think we're almost done...

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Eight months in and my relationship appears to be getting increasingly worse. We are running out of things to talk about, it seems to be a chore for her to spend time with me, intimacy is at an all time low and I'm beginning to resent the relationship.


We're both to blame, but I'm sure that my feelings wouldn't have faded if hers hadn't faded first. I don't think she really loves me anymore and probably hasn't done for a while now. That hurts, but there's little I can do about it, other than do what she seems to want me to do.


Basically, I'm pretty sure that she's waiting for me to break up with her so she can escape feeling guilty and having to deal with all of the emotional trials of the 'dumper'.


Is this something that girls do? I've said to her before that if she wants to end it, then just be blunt because dragging it out will just hurt both of us. Why should I be the one to make the decision?

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Oh man, I feel for you. I've been in your spot before. I'm sorry...


Your best bet is to have a talk and get to the bottom things, ask all the hard questions and get all the hard answers. Perhaps she is more into this than you think or there is a problem in the relationship causing all this you guys never knew about or one of you knew and didn't tell the other...


Your next best bet if it is warranted is to make the call and end things if you still feel the same and she feels like you describe above...it will actually be easier to heal and move on faster if you do it in this situation...


Are all women like this? Absolutely not. But that point is moot. Focus on your woman at this point I'd say...

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I don't think it's purely a girl thing. Blokes do that too. It could also be that the relationship has lost some of its intensity, as many do at the few months stage. The question you both need to ask is do you have enough to keep you going. You don't say how old you are, whether you live together but if you don't have any ties and the relationship requires a lot of work to keep going, you're as well off splitting.


Good luck.

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