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What makes you like a girl?

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Heyz well this is kinder shamefull... I was just wondering what do guyz find attractive in girls. See my best friend is drop dead gorgeous and almost every guy i like likes her. It really gets me down sometimes cuz i fell really hard for this guy and i mean really hard and he could never see me in that way, that hurt enough but then he met my best friend and he denys it but itsobvious he likes her! I dont wanna change myself but i just wanna be loved by someone i love. So what stands out in a girl?

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Well... Kind of a hard question to answer because we've all got different tastes!


I can't say I go with girls that look similar every time, rather I prefer someone who will respect me, love me as I would them, share (But not beccasatily participate in) my interests, be there for me, not be too 'commom', i.e have some courtesy, and just be nice and loving, caring, kind and generous.


The only part looks plays in it is getting me to initiate a converstaion, although someone who appeared confident and friendly would be just as good, if not better.


Does that help at all? Oh, by the way I'm single


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Beauty is nothing without a good personality.


And even then, it may not matter.


Have you ever thought that your guy may like you for you...even if he may think your girlfriend is pretty? I know it sucks to think that someone you like can find someone else attractive...but how would you feel if he held it against you that you think...Brad Pitt is hot?

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(As a bisexual female..)


I like girls that look a little bit *different*, but in a well dressed kind of way. Ideally they'd also be slim, an alternative dresser, a good conversationalist, intelligent and amusing. Someone who knows how to make other people feel good. And clean, healthy but ruffled hair is something that gets me.


Beauty alone/the face doesnt really cut it usually, there has to be something else.

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Beauty is nothing without a good personality.


And even then, it may not matter.


Have you ever thought that your guy may like you for you...even if he may think your girlfriend is pretty? I know it sucks to think that someone you like can find someone else attractive...but how would you feel if he held it against you that you think...Brad Pitt is hot?


Noway very unlikely trust me! He had a huge convosation about it (he knows a like him) and well he said he'd always love me but not in that way which is fair. I know i just sound like some jealous lil spoilt brat but its not just this once its all the time.... Still i know i should just be happy with the friendship...

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Well, are these boys youre interested in also very attractive? People generally tend to date people who are as good looking as themselves. Besides, when people first meet, there isnt much to judge that person by except their looks, because they dont know eachother, and only until they do can you expect a guy to like you for who you are.


Personally, I do not like hott women. They're generally high matenence anyways. There is such a thing as too perfect... I like a girl who is cute, has freckles with her hair up for example, and would pick her over someone who is ridiculously hott.


What I would do is I would try to go out alone to pick up guys, because if your friend is more attractive, she with gather more attention. This happens no matter how you look, if there are two people and one is more attractive than the other, even if both are gorgeous, then the more attractive one gathers the most attention. Try wearing your hair differently. Instead of trying to look like your friend, look like an individual. You will gather much more attention if you look like yourself, rather than a less attractive version of your friend. Or you could go with a friend who is less attractive than you, and see what your other friend goes through.

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I think it is kind of silly to say that looks don't matter. It is important to dress for your body, and take good care of yourself. I find that looks are what bring people together in the beginning unless of course they were just friends to begin with and just grow to become attracted to eachother.

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