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¿I'M CONFUSED? Please READ (and respond), I need advice...

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Sup im new to this site...Im 18m from Austin,TX and saw some interesting post that looked like they helped ppl...so here i go...sorry its sooo long, but it feels good to spill this **** in some way...



Alright, heres the deal... Ive known this girl named Natalie for quite some time, we are really good friends already. She has this boyfriend shes been with for about a year or so...which a long time i think considering it being highschool (for her anyway...her senior year, i graduated in May), but ****, what do i know. Anyways, i havent heard from her in a while...due to different schools and what not, and she just calls me out of the blue and ask if she can come over and chill w/ me. Naturally, due to my OVERWHELMING love for this girl, I am like "yea, sure... that would be great...havent seen you in a while...blah blah...," she jokingly replies..."are you sure i can come over...100% positive"silly remarks...like i was kidding or something? Dont really understand that part...IF someone could explain that for me that would be AWSOME! Going on, she comes over and we are having a great time just sitting in my living room talking and whatnot...I seem to make her laugh quite often, which i always thought was a good sign. Well she leaves, i just give her a casual hug, no big thing...she does have a boyfriend, so im hesitent and/or shy to ask her anything. (which AGRIVATES me to the max). But today was really badass...she calls ME, yet agian...and says she's bored and wants to hang out with me...and yet agian i am happy to tell her she can (she makes little jokes about "if it is OK to come over", very j/king sounding)...afterall i love just beingin her company. So we sitting in my living room agian (i cant do much, i had leg surgery..so im at home quite a bit). We are having a good conversation and all, then i offer a "smoke session" (thats what we will call the smoking of "LEGAL" herbs here... ).becasue she had talked about doing it before...long story short...So we go into my room and toke a bowl of some DANK herbs. Well now im am blazed as well as her. This is were it got a bit deeper than last time she came over (yes, even b4 we smoked)...she starts talkin about her boyfriend to me alot...which i hate kind of, but i listen so i dont hurt her feelings, to be that "good friend" (hopefully someday BF). Some bad things, some good... We are kinda getting close as im teaching her how to hit the "water pipe" (come on ppl, they're bongs!)... nothing real serious but still...Well we just chill in my room on my bed talking about everything...we have pretty good conversations, never any REAL dull moments, which i always thought was a good sign. I have to leave in the morning at 8am for check up on my surgery for 2 days, so i am awake now 3:10am with this girl that i adore in my head and i cant stop thinking about her...Im so confused as what to do on the BF situation...Should i wait till they are not together??,i cant wait much longer, it kills me, or tell her how i feel now?, and if i tell her now..how without imposing too much pressure on her current relationship??...I dont want to scare her away, or make her feel in an awkward postion b/t me and her bf.

SOME INFO ON ME: I have been in 1 serious relationship that was kinda the same story. So im kinda experience but definatly a novice dater.Just to make things short: she had a BF, then we started hanging out alot...then one day we just kissed, at the movie theater parking lot looking for jobs...awkward i thought, but cool. WHAT DO I DO?!?! HELP ME!!!
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This girl probably likes yoiur company alot, if not, why would she want to hang out so much...But she does have a boyfriend so if I were you, I would not try to make any moves yet. See if she likes you more than a friend and if she is willing to leave her boyfriend for you. I just don't suggest anything while she is together with her BF because you might attach to her and she might not be willing to leave her BF and then you will be hurt.

Good Luck!

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Yes, I agree. Don't be the one to break them up, it's not right. Try to tell her this if she makes any sort of advances or if you can tell she's falling for you as well. Remind her that she has to be true to her boyfriend, and if she leaves him, it's a different story altogether.


Trust me, you don't want her to cheat with you, emotionally or physically, it's not a good way to start a relationship. You need to let her make a decision on her current boyfriend before anything good can happen.


Hope it works out, don't rush it...



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Thought i get this in there before i left for my surgery check up...So all in all, should i tell her i have feelings for her while she is w/ her BF and Just come at a none rushing approach...or other?...And if yes, how would i come about it...i think it will be awkward any way it happens...am i wrong? But i guess its better to try then not know right...Tell me what i aould do

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I would let her know that you have these feelings, but tell her you can't be the one to decide. You need her to leave you alone for your sake and hers until she decides what she wants to do. If she really loves her boyfriend, then she'll stay with him and thank you in her mind for not letting you come between them. If she leaves you alone and then comes back to you later, saying that she broke up with her boyfriend, take it from there.


Just don't get involved until you know you won't be stepping on anyones toes. It's a good lesson for her to learn, as well. She needs to decide between the two of you on her own time, as to not get in to a situation like this again...



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