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Interacial Relationship :)

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as some of you know from me posting and as some of you may motice i am a latina female. ive been dating this amazing, handsome, smart and sweet jamaican guy. i am deeply in love with him!! i think this is he first time that ive fallen so hard for someone. he is very smart and educated and the best lover ive ever had. but enough of that. i guess you guys got the point. .

at first when i was younger i had dated an italian guy then a german and then 3 latinos. i did not really feel it was cool to date dark colored skined guys cause people would espress themselves so bad about them. wow, were this people wrong!!! my bf is the darkest it can get, he's my delicious hershey bar, full of color and flavor. i mean, is it really that bad? does it look really bad when you see couple's of different race holding hands or kissing or showing their love to each other. please be honest. i would really like to know where this world and minds are up to now. it will not make me change my mind. it will not hurt me. i see us like the best looking couple in this world beacause of our deep love and honesty. please shoot!!!!!*(ill try to get a pic of him and i posted here)

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I think inter-racial relationships, if successful, are one of the best chances for peace and harmony in the world in the long term but there are people who will cause you strife because of it for a while.


More power to you - I hope you are and remain very happy.

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is it really that bad? does it look really bad when you see couple's of different race holding hands or kissing or showing their love to each other.


It's not bad at all. I don't think you should be concerned with what others think. There will always be narrow minded people in the world who won't approve but so what?

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I love the way you express your love for him. Who cares what color lovers are. We all bleed red. Half the girls I like are of a different shade, I could care less what people think, I actually don't give it a second thought. Racism is for idiots. Love you man for who he is and enjoy life! Look at him, that sexy dark milk chocolate stud he.

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You hang onto that beautiful hershey bar if he makes you happy...lol.


That is all that matters! You have one life to live and it should be all about you and the people you care about.


People should just get over it and mind their own business.


I think interracial relationships are beautiful. My mother is a biracial woman, and my grand parents were married when it was NOT accepted.


So if the man you are with treats you with love and respect then his skin color is really irrelevant.


Good luck to you!

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And you live here in NY and they say that? First off what business is it of there's? Secondly, they're Italian and you're a Latina, why do they care, you're not even of their race. What a bunch of racist losers they are. Why exactly are they against it? Just because he's black or really dark? Good Lord. I feel bad for him if he had tro endure that or heard your coworker's opinions. I can say more but I'll get nothing but those red stars, like these: * * * *ing * * * *ers!

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my husband is mixed, half white, half black... he is such a great person and was from the day i met him... he wasn't like the other guys i knew or hung out with (white guys) he was different.. never really drank too much, never did drugs of any kind or smoke.. he was 19 when i met him and so much more mature then other guys his age or that i knew.. i had lots of problems when i started dating him with some guys i knew growing up... they would say mean things to me, like once you go black you'll never go back...or now your marked.. just rude stuff that made me like him even more and hate the guys that said that to me...


my biggest problem was my dad and grandfather.. they didn't believe it was a good thing and i knew that before i started dating him. so i never took him to meet my grandfather because i knew what he was like. he wouldn't have a problem telling my boyfriend or me what he thought. he died 6 months after i started dating my husband so i never had to worry about him. however, my dad wasn't happy when he found out a year later that i was dating a mixed man.. i talked to him before i took my boyfriend, now husband to meet him and he seemed to understand at the time... he told me that he trusts my judgment and as long as i'm happy he is... not so... 2 years into the relationship i gave him a picture of us and he just looked at it and said "oh thanks, well i better make sure my brother doesn't see this" i was hurt.. then once i had my first child, he would call my mom all the time and say things like,, "is she getting darker or is she the same" little remarks that really made my mom mad.. she loved her granddaughter more then anything and they would fight a lot. then when i had my second girl, she was a real white baby and had blue eyes for a full year. he would say "oh she's beautiful just like you when you were a baby" he was so happy. but her eyes changed to brown and now she even looks like her dad.. ha ha....my dad no longer says anything, not to me.


so it can be hard but you love someone for who they are, not what they look like or what color they are.. my husband and i will be together 19 years this june.. a lot longer then my dad and mom lasted.

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wow!!! congratulations. what a cute love story. im sure it was hard, but you guys seemed very strong about it. and yes ive heard the "once you go blk you'll never go back" and i actually like that one, cause im not planning on going anywhere else but to his arms. hahaha. so, like i was saying. i can actually relate cause one of my bfs always tells me she does no like me being with him cause of his skin color but i tell her i don't care what she thinks, i guess in a way she's very jelouse cause she is not as happy with her white guy as i am with my honey. also my aunt, sis, mom, and brother in law make fun of me in their jokes. they do like him cause he's sweet and a gentleman to all of us, but they alwways have something to say about his looks. crazy world i tell you.

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that's us at our job's christmas party. that was a group picture but he made it like that for me. by the way kyoshiro. the girls there are HAITIAN, not italian, but it's still the same. maybe dark colored women that visit this site can tell me y you don't like to share ur men? some of us want some of those tasty goodies you guys have

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that's us at our job's christmas party. that was a group picture but he made it like that for me. by the way kyoshiro. the girls there are HAITIAN, not italian, but it's still the same. maybe dark colored women that visit this site can tell me y you don't like to share ur men? some of us want some of those tasty goodies you guys have

Oops, blame it on my 3rd grade reading teacher. I can reed, seriously I kan. Doesn't make it any better though, it is still a biased thinking and that totally repulses me. I see that a lot though. One race wants to claim the gorgeous ones as their own. I bet they think he's a stud muffin and should be with his own kind. Well tough cookies for them, you've got yourself a catch! Just tell them not to wear anything orange, it wouldn't clash with their green-with-envy shade.


By the way, nice avatar.

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Yes it is bad because I wish I had seen him first!

No I am only kidding.

I think it is wonderful that you were able to shed your predjudices aside to give this man a chance by putting aside the color difference. Good for you.


Although I do know from a latina perspective, thatI would like to know why Latinos in the hispanic community have such a hard time accepting darker skin people in relationships or any social or business setting when they privately fantasize about being with them? I am just curious about it. Anyway most people had problems when I dated a latino guy! It was so weird! YET most latinos are a shade darker than blacks! Just making a point


People have this thing where they prefer to stay within their race for marriage than explore different ethnic groups. Yet we come in different colors!

I hope someday people are able to put their differences asisde and appreciate each other fully while ending the ignorance.

I just don't think it looks bad at all. If anyone think it does means they have chosen to remain closed minded. Which in reality is very sad.

For others what does it matter? It should not matter to you accept if harm is brought against you and your boyfriend for being this color then you will have to stand up to those who try to challenge you being together. If others cannot accept the union then they are not worth your time.

God bless the two of you! Does he have a brother? Pass him on!

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kudos to you!!/

i myself is in a interacal relationship.

im from asian decent but with a western background, she is european blonde blues eyes etc..you get the idea.

Here is a cute story, we were traveling around asia and during meal times we will pop into restuarants. i usually order western dishes (burgers, fish and chips, she on the other hand will order Tom yam local thai food soup) . When the order comes to the table guess how the arrange the food ... LOL.. we arrange it the other way round and the waiter usually look really puzzled.


Oh well, i would say this, as our relationship is rather new (less then 1 yr) i have noticed that she is having a poblem with me meeting the parents. SHe has mentioned to them about me and i say "mentioned" and they get all silent.

I have said to her, that i truly love her, the choice is hers, i will not push her to make a decision anytme soon, but in the end, like it or not, i'll have to meet the parents. My opinion is that it is really important to establish the relationship that way and to make her realise how she really feels about the relationship and me. If she cant handle the family then it is time to let go of it now before the relationship goes deeper. Did you have that problem???


ANyway, my family..all i have to say right now... cruise control.

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