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Hi again.


Yup, Another post by me preceded by a phonecall from her. And just more things to think about that drive me crazy.


I woke up this morning, intent of having another productive day at the job I am working on. But it didn't take long before it was obvious that my mood was going to be on the down side. The sun was coming up, and it looked to be a beautiful day. Funny how immediately my mind thinks, 'how I wish she could be here, sharing this morning with me.'


So the day goes on, things don't go so smoothely. Broke my screwgun, (hehe, really, the POWERTOOL), and couldn't get hold of some people to get prices on another contract. The whole while, I swear I was thinking of how I would just love to quit early, and go spend some time with her in the park.


At lunch, I went to buy a new screwgun, and on the way out of Home Depot, caught the heavenly smell of the hotdog/sausage vendor. And that too, made me sad. (Once a month we would take a drive on a sunday and find a hotdog vendor.)


Okay, so its not a HORRIBLE day, just grey, despite the glaring sun. I couldn't get her out of my mind.


Before I went back to the job site, I stopped at my house, to let my dog out. I wasn't there more than 10 minutes when the phone rang. It was her. She said that she had been thinking of me all morning. That she had a feeling that I wasn't feeling right. And wanted to make sure things here were okay.


Well, I didn't exactly tell her the truth. I told her everything was fine. Job was going great, and I was enjoying the day however I did confess that i thought of her often.


Its funny how we can feel those things. I have a few friends, best friends I've known more than 20 years and dont have that type of connection with. And to me, it is one of the reasons why I feel that I should fight for what I believe in.


Because its more than phsyical. More than a friendship. More than just emotions and habit. Its something I cant explain, just something that IS.


Thanks for listening.

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Because its more than phsyical. More than a friendship. More than just emotions and habit. Its something I cant explain, just something that IS



I can totally relate that last feeling.

Its just something that feels so naturel , i guess something words cant really explain!


You've got a great great heart and you show such strength.



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