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Impulsively divulged crush...now what?

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Perhaps this will all be a bad dream in the morning. If not, I hope some of you out there can give me some advice as to my next move.

I've worked with this guy for about a year and a half--but mostly via phone/IM with occasional face-to-face meetings. Our conversations will last for hours and we talk about a million other things aside from work. Anyway, today I told him I had a crush on him and his response was not definitive. Basically he didn't say wow great I feel the same way and he didn't say oh gee I'm sorry I can't reciprocate. BTW, several things HAVE led me to believe that he possible did feel the same. So, now I have to figure out what to say the next time I have to deal with him. Any suggestions?

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you can either just pretend like nothing happened which probably would be difficult to do




ask him out for a drink or coffee - and see what he says. If you purely have a crush on him from conversations - then continue the conversation in a social setting.


BTW - how did you tell him you had a crush on him - on the phone? Do you ever see him in person?

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I think that the ball is in his court and he has to make a choice about how he feels about you. The thing is that if he and you have been friends this long, then he most likely knows that you like him and he most likely feels the same way, it is just that he has trouble expressing his feelings.


Give him some time to respond. He may eventually laugh it off.

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Thanks for the replies. He's single and straight. (just to clarify). And brilliant. and slightly geeky.


I think he qualifies for "shy guy" status - and that makes him harder to figure out. He is a couple of hours away--I know I have to see him in 2 wks for a big meeting where lots of other people will be but he and I will be basically presenting and running the meeting together, so it's not like I can ignore him or vice versa.

I just wish I hadn't said anything at this point. I feel like it was horribly unprofessional and the thing is, I've NEVER done anything like it before-I've always let men initiate everything so I'm definitely not used to how this goes!

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