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Well, it was 2 weeks today that i was sitting here crying my eyes out because my boyfriend had ended it.


So, how do i feel now? Well, i feel weird. I can't describe it. It's a mixture of emotions. Sometimes i'm fine, i don't think about him at all. Then other times i feel extremely lonely and want to talk to him. I also keep thinking about all of the good times we had together. I remember every little detail and i just want to talk to him and explain to him how much i miss him and want him back.


But i'm staying strong. I've not spoken to him for 4 & 1/2 days. That's a record for us as normally he breaks NC by texting me or sending me an IM. This time around, i've had nothing since Sunday afternoon. It's strange. I've seen him online and thought...will i speak to him? NO!! i'm staying strong. but he hasn't spoken to me either and it makes me think, has he forgotton me already?


I know that i'll NEVER forget him. A part of me will ALWAYS love him and care for him but i know i have to move on. But there's no-one i want to be with. I don't know where i can meet new people. I'm too young to go out clubbing, i'm not a member of any groups or clubs or anything as i don't have time as i have school, and i have no proper close friends out of school. How do people meet people?


I guess i'm just feeling lonely and down. I'm still off school ill but getting better and i've not saw or even heard from my friends for ages i logged onto MSN and absolutely no-one was on i've had no contact with people my age for nearly a week and i'm so bored and needing company.


Just a little rant and vent here. I'm feeling pretty down so any words of encouragement would be greatly appriciated.

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you're doing fine. what you're feeling is normal, i still feel those things too. it has gotten a little bit better over time but those feelings you've described still cycle through me.


this morning i woke up and felt fine, but as i sat on the train on my way to work i began to think about my ex again. the intensity of emotions which i felt when looking back on our relationship and her have died down, but not completely. so you'll be getting there in due time. just keep up with the NC.

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i'll try...still hard though anyone else got any break up stories or anything?


lol...I got plenty posted...hahaha you will get through. Use this time to learn your own weakness and strenghts. Work on weakness and use strenghts to get by... you will get through i thought i wouldnt but i know i am. The first two months are hard but you know you will get through, dont use this time to find someone new .. you are not ready and you will know when you are..

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"So, how do i feel now? Well, i feel weird. I can't describe it. It's a mixture of emotions. Sometimes i'm fine, i don't think about him at all. Then other times i feel extremely lonely and want to talk to him. I also keep thinking about all of the good times we had together. I remember every little detail and i just want to talk to him and explain to him how much i miss him and want him back."


Everything you are feeling here is completely normal. Te rollercoaster can be hard and confusing at times but as more times goes by, you will feel better and the moods will become more consistant.


"But i'm staying strong. I've not spoken to him for 4 & 1/2 days. That's a record for us as normally he breaks NC by texting me or sending me an IM. This time around, i've had nothing since Sunday afternoon. It's strange. I've seen him online and thought...will i speak to him? NO!! i'm staying strong. but he hasn't spoken to me either and it makes me think, has he forgotton me already?"


I am sure he has not forgotten you. But you are doing very well and you have the right attitude. Well done. You are definitely on the right track.




"I guess i'm just feeling lonely and down. I'm still off school ill but getting better and i've not saw or even heard from my friends for ages i logged onto MSN and absolutely no-one was on i've had no contact with people my age for nearly a week and i'm so bored and needing company."


Well, you have us at Enotalone. hehe. When you feel better, give your friends a call. Call them and tell them you are feeling better and would like to get together. I am sure they know you are not feeling well so they are waiting for you to feel better. Hang in there, you are doing very well.

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When you feel better, give your friends a call. Call them and tell them you are feeling better and would like to get together. I am sure they know you are not feeling well so they are waiting for you to feel better.




1. I've text all of my main friends (even though i'm ill) through the week asking how school is, if i've missed anything and what they've been upto. Only 2 of them replied and none of them have replied today.


2. I will call them, but they all have bfs and are ALWAYS out with them so i never get to see them outside of school. It was ok when i was with my ex, but i'm not now and i've been stuck in doing NOTHING for 2 weeks lol

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Well, it was 2 weeks today that i was sitting here crying my eyes out because my boyfriend had ended it.


So, how do i feel now? Well, i feel weird. I can't describe it. It's a mixture of emotions. Sometimes i'm fine, i don't think about him at all. Then other times i feel extremely lonely and want to talk to him. I also keep thinking about all of the good times we had together. I remember every little detail and i just want to talk to him and explain to him how much i miss him and want him back.


Anyone else got any break up stories or anything?.


All I can is...I know EXACTLY how you feel!! It has been five weeks since I was crying my eyes out because my ex ended it... but I pretty much feel what you feel. It's like a rollercoaster ride of emotions...sometimes I hype myself up on this "high" then something reminds me or something happens and it comes crashing down and I feel like soooo sad, and sooo lonely. Then I'll feel like my life is great again..then not. When I'm not extremely lonely/upset, or when I'm not 'happy,' I can't even describe what I feel. It's weird, like you say. It's like you have so many thoughts bouncing around in your head that you can't even begin to put them all together and understand what you feel. I don't know which of the above feelings I prefer. Maybe none would be best

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