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Well, i think i'm slowly healing i don't know how or why but i'm glad.

Woke up this morning and my first thought WASN'T him! I didn't really think about him much until 4 o clock and then haven't thought about him until now as he just logged onto MSN (i re-added him by mistake but he's now been DELETED...forever!)

I haven't even got the urge to text him or IM him!


Quite sad really...now i haven't got him, no-one texts me lol. I now have NO use for my mobile phone. At least the bill won't be as big...


Anyway, yeah, i still do miss him a bit and i'm not going to deny that i still care for him, probably always will. But i'm moving on. Need to meet new people. Rebuild myself.


Just though i'd vent a bit as i'm bored (and still ill


If anyone has any words of encouragement to keep me going, please share!

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you are doing great....its totally the first major steps in moving on...and it shows on your post...i remember first thing in the morning I would cry....and then one day i didnt...and from there it really began to show that i was moving on....I had a little set back a few days ago...but I just came here and wrote my thoughts and feelings here for everyone to read and feel better....the next step is to start meeting people...not necessarily date people but at least meet them....just take small steps and you will be fine.

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