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alone forever

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Whenever I read these posts, it reminds me of how I can feel at times. But it also screams so loudly to me that your attitude is the problem. As I said, I've felt this way myself... sometimes quite frequently. But I can't help but think it's this negative, self-defeating attitude that is keeping women away. No one likes a negative, grumpy sour-puss.


Basically, if one believes a situation is beyond their control, they will only blame the situation and never take steps to fix the problem. You know, even ugly guys get girlfriends. It's true. I've seen some pretty unattractive guys at school, yet they have a good-looking girlfriend. We may ask, 'How'd that happen?' Well, I know it's not because they're down on themselves, being negative, self-defeating and wondering 'Why?' They're out there, being themselves, acting friendly with the girls they like. In short, they're taking steps to fix the problem. They acknowledge they CAN do something about it; and they do!


And it works.

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I bet those ugly guys aren't shy or introverted, either. It doesn't matter what you look like. It's all about what comes out of your mouth. Unfortunately, shy, introverted people don't say much.


I've been told by a lot people that I'm a good looking guy. I get looks from girls all the time. I have a good personality. I'm intelligent. But, you know how many girlfriends I've had? None. None of that stuff matters if you're not a talkative person. That's just the way things are.

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I've been reading posts on this site for a while and felt compelled to post. I used to be extremely shy, and during high school I always DESPERATELY wanted a girlfriend. I've never considered myself especially attractive, and a lot of that was due to acne. Its an * * *-kicker. I'm 25 now and am still dealing with it.


But you know what? I've found that it doesn't really matter. My first real relationship started when I was 22 and since then I've had all kinds of luck with women that I still consider out of my league. So trust me, looks don't matter as much as you might think. My attitude changed and its worked wonders for me. You know what the best feeling is in the world? Walking into a public place with a girl and having all the guys look at you thinking" How in the blue hell did he and up with HER?" So chin up fellas, it IS possible.

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I feel the same, i dont know how some guys do it. I just dont feel confident enough i guess. I could quite happily go up and talk to anyone but i never seem to get anywhere! and then sometimes i just think i dont want to make an idiot out of myself! Its all about confidence and having the balls to go up to as many girls as possible until you find one you click with, its just how long it actually take you to realise this. just go up and think sod it its her lose if shes not interested, thats what im goin to start doing! If you think im goin about this all wrong then say?

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To tell you the truth, I don't know how some guys do it either. One thing that works like a hot damn is internet dating. Its worked wonders for my dating life. Even tho its still considered pretty dorky, and maybe a desperation tactic, that couldn't be further from the truth. Even if it doesn't happen right away, you meet a few girls and you'll have the confidence to talk to them before you know it. Most women care very little for looks, and trust me, even with a less than stellar complexion, it happens. The gorgeous girls are just as lonely as us, and they even have the same confidence issues. My advice, give the internet a go, good things will happen!

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I'm 22 and in the exact same boat. But I've broken it down in my mind and realized that the guys I've asked out have been losers. I thought they were nice guys but they turned out to be the exact opposite. I haven't found the "right" person. And I think I need to work on my self esteem, which I am. There's times when I feel like I just don't get why I've always been single, but if you break down and think about it very carefully, usually there is a reason. Try and adopt a different attitude, if I can do it, so can you! I've realized that I've been really negative about a lot of things, so I'm working on it and already noticing a difference. I do understand that it does suck sometimes, I feel so lonely at times, really really lonely. But, I don't have a choice about it right at this moment, so I might as well positive, the only other choice is sitting around depressed and unhappy. I'd rather be content.

I empathize, I really do.


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Oh I've tried to be positive. And I just end up feeling embarrassed like I've been lying to myself.


I've sort of already realized that I was meant to be alone. And that does get really depressing because I've become kind of exhausted with material things and just want to be with someone. I've lost interest in the hobbies I used to love and just feel like a lump of flesh waiting to get old and die or something.

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All of you are so young to be so sad about it, but I was there at your age. But now I am severaly frustrated and lonely. I've tried to meet women through online dating sites, but apparently my picture is worth the 1000 words that they misinterpret. I have absolutely no idea where to turn. And I am not getting any younger.

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