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Well those who have been following me would be happy to hear that... after close to 5 months of constantly obsessing over my ex i am finally making progress. I do remember her, but most of the time it is no longer with a heavy heart. I think of senarios that could have happened now, but i know what she would say. I then remind myself how her response would be spot on and how i would go back to being her little puppy dog (if that makes sense).


My only problem now is that i still think about her, even though its not with a heavy heart. Ive tried only thinking about her 5 mins a day but that doesnt work, little things remind me of her. Like in the shower i remember what it was like to be in the shower with her at the 4 seasons (etc etc).


Has anyone been in this situation before? What should i do?


Thank you

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If you were with your ex for any amount of time there will be little things that remind you of her. I am sure even 10 years from now that once in a while you will think of something you two did together and just smile. You can't erase your memory but the constant reminders of your ex will fade in time. Keep doing what your doing, you sound as if you are making some real progress these last couple of months.

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I remember the littlest things. I have an eye for detail and it's the tiniest of things that made her special. A wink, a look, a gesture, etc. I would like to forget. I DO want to forget. She has and so should I. Have you seen "Iternal Sunshine of a spotless mind"? I watched it and I wanted to be Jim Carry's character, I still do. The truth, however; is that it's not possible. The memories will always be there and that kills me. I don't know how I feel about her anymore. I've become angry and numb and I hope that a woman can enter my life and take that away and put the love and care back in.


In time memories fade and her name willnot have meaning and their scent is just another scent. They are just a distant memory.


Time and patience, friend.

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it takes time and for everybody its different some never get over with it since they don't want to let go or for other reasons like being very close to their exs or for all the nice times they spent with them.


For me, i know its gonna take much longer than a year or may be even sooner, but eventually i will, since i have now reasons to believe she didn't deserve me at all.


i relate to your story little bit since my ex too never said sorry or ever repented for betraying me and hurting me so much in the relationship....It was never her fault, she apparently still thinks betraying me and hurting me in the relationship was right on her part.


Whenever you think about her make sure you force yourself to think about the problems or issues you had, i know its hard but with time all these feelings will subside, her memories won't make you feel the way you are feeling now and you will be on your way.


Good luck.

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