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Just want to know what people thing of calling a female the "C" word. I honestly think this is the worst thing you can say to a girl. My ex called me this last night when he was rip roarin drunk because I met someone else, and am very happy with the new guy. I am very, VERY offended, and hurt, yet again by this guy. Just when I thought I wouldn't be hurt by him anymore, he finds some way to do it again. This is something, I feel, you should never call a women. What do you all think?

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I think he called me this because I had been ignoring his texts/messages! No contact was in full order. I told him I had met someone else and to leave me alone. He kept texting/calling but I had been ignoring him for a week. Didn't hear anything for 2 days and then he blows up my cell phone at 1am. I had about 30 missed calls and 20 different texts, and he called me the c word in one of the texts.

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Well then keep a list of all the times he contacts you/copies of texts, etc. You can use that as evidence for a restraining order if the time comes, and it sounds like it's getting to that point.


BTW, abusive men normally start getting worse and can go over the edge and do something illegal (such as 'kidnap' you, etc) when they realize you have found someone else.


Be careful. Better be paranoid than dead!

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You are so right about the abusive men comment. He has gotten progressively worse with the passing of time, I've noticed. I didn't give much thought to it until I woke up this morning. He's NEVER called me a name like that before, and he's never blew up my phone like that. Before, it was minimal, nothing compared to last night. Granted he was drunk, but still, if alcohol makes someone do that, I'm afraid.

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It's not the usage of a single word, but the context that is offensive.


Don't ever allow anyone to tell you that it's OK for an ex to call you that. YOU decide YOUR boundaries.


Why are you feeling bad about it? He's still hung up on you and is now getting desperate.


Pity him and just let him be. No need to even respond. Don't feel bad. He's upset at having lost you...

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