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Yesterday I was browsing through match and found my ex's profile. Wow, she is looking for a GF!


I saw it coming, she always said she might be bisexual.



I really don't care, just that I can't remember another time I have been this bored. Oh, now I can remember, last weekend I was this bored, if not more.


Oh well, whatever makes her happy, hope she finds a great gal to share her life with.

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Wow bet that was abit of a shock (I too am bored and no one is replying to my thread lol). My mate came out as bi after going out with this girl. Made her feel bad though, she thinks she put him off women lol.


Nah! I'm not concerned about it, not even a little bit. Even if I was an awfull boyfriend, I know that we did had a lot of fun in the bed.

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hehehehe.... she didn't turn lesbian because of you!!!!


I bet she just wants to experiment a bit, or maybe she is bi. But trust me, you have NOTHING to do with her looking for gf.


I know that I have nothing to do, trust me. What surprised me is that she actually is trying it!


I'm convinced that meeting me was the best thing that could have happened to her.


See, when I met her, she was living a lie. She was basically living the life her mother wanted her to. She was major in IT, which she hated, and did everything as her mother wanted her to.


I made her learn how to follow her own path, now she majors in fashion design among many other things that she couldn't have dreamt about 4 years ago. I helped her to get where she is right now.


Unfortunately, I can't say the same about my growth, as I think that she harmed me, changed me way too much, and I really doubt it is for the better.


Well, back to the point. She had told me about her lesbian/bi curios feelings, and I accepted that. She told me that once she got really excited at the sauna watching a girl lying touching her breasts.

Also, one time we broke up for about 2-3 months, she told me she had went on dates with several guys, and hated all of them, she couldn't picture her with one of them...


So, when I broke up with her, I kinda knew she wasnt going to try dating a guy, at least not for the time being.



What surprises me, and makes me feel happy, is that finally she is acknowledging her feelings, and doing somethign about it!



It would be better if I could say that I am way better person right now, but I feel like a shadow of my former being, at least something good came out of that relationship.

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I think you just have a little...or a lot...of soul searching left to do.


You really motivated and inspired her to do what she wanted, to believe in herself...and maybe along the way, didn't motivate yourself enough? Perhaps were so involved in her that you forgot to take care of number one?


It can be hard getting used to taking care of yourself and just yourself when you don't really recognize yourself (you were half of a couple for 4 years...things have changed)


You'll eventually find yourself though. Time is your worst enemy right now.

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