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kidney disease..am I just being a total hypochondriac?

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Lately, Ive had some very weird symptoms. Mainly things like


Random cramps in legs, and in abdomen and round lower back, but not PMS style (I dont really get that anyway)..sort of different, like, at the sides, and sometimes severe. Ive had these on/off for a couple of months or so, but lately they have been worse, in Drama I had to sit still for a bit, it was hideous and quite scary.


I go to the loo a LOT. I mean, yesterday, I went about 3 times in one hour.


And there is occasionally, as in every few days, a foul metallic taste in my mouth. It takes a lot of flavourful food to get rid of it. Thats been going on about 3 weeks.


And the latest thing...I keep itching. And its in random places over my body, its very noticeable, its not dry skin (or anything I can see on the surface, anyway).


I was totally perplexed by the itching - there are many explanations for cramps and maybe going to the loo more - but the itching was WEIRD, I looked like I had fleas for about 30 minutes..anyway..so I did a quick google search and several websites said that going to the loo excessivly+itching+cramps+weird taste in mouth are good indications of kidney disease.

back to the doctors i go, i guess. yearrghh..stupid body, stupid (possibly) kidney..

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Going to the doctor is definitely the right thing to do. my mom had serious kidney disease at 16 and had surgery to remove one of her kidneys. She's in her 60's now and has had four children and is in excellent health.


Not trying to scare you- but it can occur at a young age and it's good to get that checked out just to rule it out.


When do you go to the doctor?

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