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what to do when your ex comes back to stay with you and you fall in love all over again but she met someone else?



Here is the scoop

I need some real help here if any. SERIOUS REPLIES ONLY Me and my ex dated for a year and we both had lots of baggabe from previous relationships. Plus I thought she was a certain way on some areas cleanliness etc but it was actually other people come to find out not her. We broke up and that is that. Then 6 months later she needed a place to stay and I gave her a place to stay I was kinda seeing someone and she wasn't. I was not attracted to her in the least because of our past together and things I thought that were true about her past that I found out recently were not. So we lived together in same house for 3 months and through out the 3 months I started noticing that things weren't the same as before and that things I thought were true were not. I started actually liking her lots, Finding her to be attractive etc. I started to become attracted to her I didnt know this completely at the time...... After a while I started falling in love with her and ended my other realationship completely I just didn't know I was in love with her at the time. She thus met someone online and was talking to them for a month and started I guess dating online with them and one day I came in and told her I really didnt notice this but I love you I have fallen head over heals in love with you I love everything about you etc. I love you! I just never realized it. And I tried to win her back so to speak flowers cards talks to her sweet emails . And I dont want to lose her period! I never realized she was the best thing to walk into my life the best! She stated since she met this guy online she already had strted getting feelings for him and she left IN MY CAR WHICH i LET HER USE BECAUSE SHE WAS GOING REGARDLESS. to go meet him in another state she said she would leave for a week and see what he was about see if there was more to it. and if there wasn't she would give me a chance to be with her but she stated there was also a chance that it would completely work out between them. I need someones help please! What should I do? should I just move on?Which would be really hard because I love her! or while she is gone for the week Should I just call her and be her friend find out how she is doing and what is going on support meaning shoulder or should I just leave her be and wait for the week ? I dont know what to do but I do not want to do the wrong thing and it cost me losing her forever! I already did the wrong thing by not noticing earlier that I was falling in love with her i do believe early on if I would of told her we would be together today! This happened a couple of days ago but she hasnt arrived there yet she wont be arriving there till tomorrow eve? PLEASE HELP! Has anyone else had this situation happen to them before? If so how did it turn out? Is there any thing I am missing or could say to her more? I dont know please help for LOVE!

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  • 4 weeks later...

What can you do else but wait and see if works out between those two? If your lucky it doesn't, if you aren't lucky be prepared, for a woman can pack her bags and leave anyday, we should never go with someone thinking it will work out because it concerns 'your' case. Its a bit of a do or die situation, the ball is in her court, you can only practise patience from here on.

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Be there for her when it goes bad. Besides that move on and try to find someone else. You cannot interefere with her current relationship becasue it'll possible destroy yours with her. You can try fighting for her i guess, but trust me, that didn't get me anywhere. Just tell her your feelings and you'll always be there for her and want to remain good friends, then try to move on.


- If it goes bad for her before you find someone else you can just get back with her


- If you've fallen in love with someone else by the time it goes bad for her then getting back together will mean nothing to you. And oh, you WILL find another girl you feel this much for eventually. There is no way anyone can be so ignorant as to say they found the only girl they'll ever feel this much for out of all the females on the planet. It's impossible, i don't believe in soul mates, and i believe there's ALWAYS someone else on the planet that's better suited for every couple out there, but finding that person is near enough impossible, so you just have to find someone close to it. I know it's incredable hard to imagine your life without her or never finding someone like her again, i'm going through the same stuff too, but it's really just straight forward logic. Can you really believe that there's only one girl out of all the females on the world that you happened to meet at the age you're at now? (i know it's silly of me to assume your age and you could be preety old, but from the sounds of it you sound like you're in your low 20s). You've just gotta continue looking until you find another one like your dream girl and to stop beleiving that the girl you lost was your dream girl, becasue she wasn't, she can't be simpley becasue the chances of you meeting her are so low. Just make sure the next time you do find someone as important as she was, to not screw it up this time.


- If you're with someone and it goes bad for her but you want to get back with the other girl then just end your current relationship.


Just don't lose that contact with her and remain close friends (make sure she wants to remain good friends too, if she stops contacting you ask why when she said she wanted to remain good friends). Once you lose that contact, there's not much chance of you both getting back together at all. BTW that isn't advise saying the whole "NC" thing is a bad idea. Doing NC with her for a bit just to heal and get over her is a good idea if thats what you was gonig to do, but make sure you eventually contact her again and you remain friends becasue otherwise there's really no chance of getting back with her.

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Hello, by allowing her to go in your car you basically said "You can try to meet guys better than me and I can even help you look".


She was very clear, she was and is looking for somebody else, she doesn't think you are the love of her life but she can give you a chance whilst she finds something better.


It's okay if you think you love her but what you have to pay attention to here is that she is not in love with you, wouldn't it be better to have a partner that loves you back?, what would really happen if you lost forever a woman who has no respect for you?.


She used you for a place to live, if you had told her you loved her earlier that wouldn't change the fact she is still looking for the love of her life.


You should have gotten her and her stuff out as soon as she returned, it doesn't matter if things with that other guy worked out or went wrong, you are a person who deserves to be the first and only option of a girl, make yourself believe that because it's true, and if this girl was so perfect and wonderful she would make you feel that way too.


It's been a while since you posted so I can only hope you made the best decision for yourself.

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