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Heyy evryone, i have a problem about 3-4 months ago, my ex broke up with me .. & literally since then i can't get over him.. Its odd he was a pure * * * with me & yet at times i long to be in his arms again..


I feel as if no other guy can replace him .. Its rly sad .. But would the fact that he was the first & only person i had sex with would slow down my healing by big time .. ?


Its retarded, when i was with him i always thought i would do fine without him, but when he left me like that i freaked & cryed for days straigh ( which is odd, cuz im usually a hardcore person ) ... & besides i was with him for only 6 months, thats not even worth being down for almosts 4 months afterwards ...


Why do break-ups hurt so much?

Or does the fact that i slept with him play a role in this heartbraking time? Or actually just recently i learnt that he found himself another girlfriend not long after he left me whom apearently is greater than me, would that hapen to deepen the wound? ( actually llol i always thought i would replace him b4 he would replace me .. funny thing .. that hasent hapened yet )


Thank yu ..

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Are you certain you were ready to engage in a sexual relationship with him--I am not denouncing you in any way, I just think some people have a tendency to rush into such relationships and it costs them; perhaps, as you stated, more than any other abstinent relationship. And the fact he managed to find someone else that quickly--either he is an extremely resiliant person, or he honestly didn't feel that deeply for you to begin with. Whatever the case, don't play that jealousy game of "replacing" a loved one; it is spiteful and remarkably childish. Do what feels right--even if that means it doestake a long time.

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I feel as if no other guy can replace him .. Its rly sad .. But would the fact that he was the first & only person i had sex with would slow down my healing by big time .. ?


My story is a exact copy of yours ... infact freakishly similar...I know how much it hurts and how much you wish to be with them...and when you find out they have someone else it kills a part of you all over again... Yes i honestly believe that him being your first has a big influence on your feelings for him... in my case i dont think i would have let him be my first if i wasnt sooo madly in love with him... and since he is my first i know for certain when i am going to be with someone else i will see his face and that some part of me will actually feel as if i am cheating on him...

Yes it is a strange feeling when they have already moved on and you find yourself still lost for them months after... I cant advice you on what to do cause i have yet to figure it out myself...

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