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someone help!!!! My fiance doesn't want to move out here

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ok me and my fiance have been together for a almost 2 years. In may of this year my father got transfered to arizona and I had to go because I can't affored to live in california(way too expensive to live ther) Well my finace was going to come with us but his work wasn't ready to transfer him here yet. So finally a couple of days ago they tell him that he can finally move out here on monday, well he doesn't want to because first his mom had surgery in june and she is still not feeling well and his mom is begging him not to leave so now he is not coming here. I would do anything in the world to be with him, but one thing I don't want to move back to california anytime soon. One day yes, but I am able to do a lot more here than I would ever be able to do there. My fiance agrees on this but he doesn't want to leave his family. First I should tell you my fiances age he is 23. I told him that if I was in his situation that I would honestly have to tell my mother that I will always love her and its time for me to live my life and be with my fiance. I have told him time and time that we will be going back to california 1 to 2 times a month. Its not like we will visit them once in blue moon. Seriously I really need help with this. I have no idea what to do and I am scared to lose my best friend and the person that I want to spend the rest of my life with. So if anyone can give me any advice please, please help me


thanks, carissa

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I think that you should respect his feelings to stay with his mum its his family, i mean you moved away because you couldnt afford to stay and he is staying cause he loves his mum. I dont think there is really anything to worry about there. The only way you will loose him is if you force him to move to where you are when he doesnt want to. Respect his decison the way he is respecting yours and everything is fine. You have the rest of your lives to spend with eachother.

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