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Update - ex removes things from our home

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Well, my ex wanted to get some things from our house and take to her apartment this weekend and I was away with family in another state, but I trust her so I said it was OK. I asked her if she would clean the cat's litter box since she was here and she did that. She took her computer, lava lamps, more clothes and some personal pictures. I got home and broke down crying asking myself: Why is this happening? Why can't this be resolved? Why does it have to be this way? I so wanted to pick up the phone and ask her these questions but I did not. It just feels more empty as I look over and see her computer not there. Or walk into our closet and her clothes aren't there. These things make me miss her more.


We have 11 more months of separation before our state allows divorce. So, I we are getting a separation agreement signed where she's signing the house over to me as well as the bank accounts. I'm going to be debt-free in a month. No bills except utilities and vehicle costs (gas, insurance, etc.). This is where I always wanted to be, but I wanted to be here with her! What a silly time to split up with someone, I keep thinking. When you got everything you need and can enjoy life together without having to worry about finances any more, what causes a person to think throwing that away is a good move? Just more rhetorical questions that will never get answered. Argh, it's so hard to think straight any more.


Just my rant, I had to talk to someone so it had to be you guys. Thanks for reading.

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Hey DR,


I remember after my x left our house, and it was cleaned out, it felt so sad to walk through my house all empty and remembering how things once were. We sold our house, neither of us at that time were able to refinance it to an affordable morgtage payment.


Anyway your post brought back these memories, i can identify with how you feel. hang in their, the good days are soon ahead.


be well,


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Hi Dishrag,


I've been following your story and I just wanted to say how sorry I am that you are dealing with this tonight and I hope you hang in there.


This is certainly a tough time, but you are a strong person and I know you can and will get through it.


We are all here for you if you need us.

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