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Hi all,

Every time my husband gets sick he gets a small sore on the head of his penis. It lasts a few days, then goes away shortly after he gets better. He says it itches. This has happened to him for his whole adult life. I know a lot of people are reading this and thinking an STD. But I don't see how that is possible. We have been together for three years, and I have std testing as a part of my yearly exam. I don't have any stds, so chances are it isn't that. I also know that he probably won't go get it checked out because he is too embarrassed. Does anyone know what this could be?

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Is it just one or is there several? His very best bet would be to go see his GP and get tested as well as examined.


There is a virus called: Molluscum Contagiosum (sounds like a spell out of Harry Potter...but it's not..) which can be persistent and attack the immune system when it's low. That said, you need to come into contact (either sexually or simply by using a dirty towel at the gym) with the actual virus.


Once again, have him visit the GP-he'll be more than embarrassed if it's anything serious.

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Well, good news is what he has looks nothing like any of those pics. I will try to encourage him to see someone. I really don't think it is an STD though, since I have been sexually active with him for three years and I don't have any STDs. Hopefully I can get him to see someone, or at least talk to a doctor about it.

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It's possible he has an STD and that you have simply not contracted it from him. It happens.


Did he have sexual partners before you?


I would advise him to get it checked, and if he won't agree, use condoms with you until he does. It's your sexual health at stake as well- and as you husband, that also needs to be a priority for him.

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Herpes is caused by a virus, and unfortunately, there is no cure. Herpes causes multiple painful open sores on the penis or nearby areas (scrotum, anus, buttocks, or thighs) in men, or on the vulva and cervix, or nearby areas (anus, buttocks, or thighs) in women. Herpes sores tend to happen in outbreaks – a person might have multiple sores for a while, but they go away in 3 to 4 weeks, and come back a few months later. Outbreaks can happen at any time, but are encouraged by stress, poor nutrition, other illnesses, or physical weakness.


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hope75, may wanna check the web again, i was jsut looking for things about herpes and seeing wat the symptoms were, and theres now a pill that gets rid of herpes, along with showing any marks that can show up like every month or so.. dnt know if it works or not, just saw it tho, thot i'd add that

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hope75, may wanna check the web again, i was jsut looking for things about herpes and seeing wat the symptoms were, and theres now a pill that gets rid of herpes, along with showing any marks that can show up like every month or so.. dnt know if it works or not, just saw it tho, thot i'd add that

Hi Diablo,


There is no cure for herpes.






I am a nursing student and we've covered it in class. There are medications available to help control outbreaks but there is no cure.


The links I've attached are from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, and Medline is a reputable site of linked medical journals used by medical professionals.




Stress or illness tends to bring out lesions if it is in fact herpes, and the fact that it only shows up when your husband is feeling ill is what makes me suspect herpes- but only a test can tell for sure.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok. The STD panels that are given DO NOT...I repeat...DO NOT test for herpes. What your husband has sounds exactly like herpes. It is a bad idea to go to the web and search for images of herpes because they always show what they call "classic" or "text book" herpes outbreaks. That only happens in an incredibly small amount of people. The truth of the matter is 1 in 4 women and 1 in 5 men has genital herpes. Approximately 25% of the population has genital HSV2 and 90% of those people have NO IDEA that they have it. The reason why is because in MOST cases the symptoms of HSV are so mild that it's mistaken for ingrown hairs, tight clothing, allergic reaction, yeast or bacterial infections or insect bites. or they show no symptoms at all. Symptoms can take years to develop. In order to be tested for genital herpes you must specify that you want a blood test for herpes. Go to your doctor and tell them you would like the type specific blood test for herpes. This will tell you whether or not he has HSV1, HSV2 or both. Just remember that if it is herpes it's a very common STD. There's such a huge stigma against it and it's only because the majority of people are uneducated about it. Good luck. Everything will turn out fine.

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