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I have worked at my company for nearly 5 years but have spent the past 6 months training in a new department. I am currently being trained on the phones after having 6 months of peace (working in a call center previously, I have realized that being a "phone jockey" makes me absolutely miserable). To make matter worse, the person I dislike most on my team is training me and I will have to sit right next to him very soon. He is one of those two-faced people that will smile to your face and then go whisper about how he can't stand you with his friends the first chance he gets ("one may smile and smile and be a villian"). He is 29 years old but he acts like a child, running to our manager whenever he catches someone doing what he doesn't think they should be doing. My manager is ditzy so I can't talk to her about this...she's the one that put me right next to him on the seating chart, but the thought of having to return to work tomorrow and deal with that fool is really stressing me out.


I honestly try my best to be nice to everyone. I may not go out of my way to talk to people but that's only because I am shy...I just feel misunderstood. But I can't stand people like this guy. I wish that I could quit but it's so hard finding another job. So, I'm wondering, how do I deal with this until I can escape from this call center hell?

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I know exactly how you feel, I work in a call center and have to sit beside someone I don't like. Could you get a group of co - workers to say they were unhappy with seating arrangements so the manager would have to take action? Is there any other managers who you can talk to about changing the seating plan?

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