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Reverting to being like a child...thoughts pls

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Hi all I've noticed my very child-like methods of dealing with things, especially with my emotions, and think maybe reversion to this status is a way of dealing with the unpleasant things in life. Or maybe its me not wanting to accept my position as an "adult" in this world. What's everyone's thought on the subject?

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It sounds like a defense mechanism. I guess it depends on the type of things you're dealing with. I'm still fairly young and I can feel everyone around me growing up. I can feel it in myself, too. Yeah, I understand what you're saying. I look at my mom and I see how gracefully she's aged, and I think, I want to be comfortable in my own skin, no matter how old or young I am. That's what commands respect.


In short...Don't act puerile in the workplace. You want to get the promotion!

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If you see the adults in this world who wants to become like them? They are all seemingly consumed in darknes. Even jesus said that you have to be like a child to obtain the kingdome of heaven. But don't become retarded, its important that you posses high amounts of intelligence, but indeed i won't blame you if you don't want to become an adult.

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Well without specifics its hard to say, but i think i have an idea of what you are saying.


If your survival skills, the tools u used grwoing up to shield yourself from hurt and pain are still exiting, then it is time to learn new behavoirs. Sometimes these sklls are carried over into our adult years, and we can sometimes clearly see that they are not healthy anylonger, not that they ever were healthy, they just seemed to wrok on a smaller degree.


Say if shutting down and ignoring someoen, a friend, gf/bf, sibling, is a way of dealing with some anger between you and any one of them, then this is an inmature behavoir, and will eventually cause more stress and dicomfort in your relations.



This is an example of what i think you are referring to. Like i said you supplied no details.


So it is now time to learn how to deal with the hurt as an adult, and confronting, talking, and resolving that issue.


This to me is the most difficult part of relationships, and i do believe how we deal with conflict is all based on how we learned as kids.


I hope this helps a little, as darkblue questioned child like in what way??

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Thank you all for your replies. In answer to your question brando and darkblue, I've recently noticed that I am act this way particularly with people I like. I find myself being rather defensive, cold and resistive with such people. I don't act like myself, like when I'm around friends. I say things that I dont mean (ie being sarcastic) only to immediately regret it and feel guilty aftewards. Its like building a wall. I hope this helps.

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Well, I think I can relate. Maybe.


I am a VERY sarcastic person, prolly 87% of the time. I think it is an immature, knee-jerk reaction and defense, but its part of how I grew up and how I think and who I am.


I also have a hard time thinking and accepting the fact that I AM a grown-up and a part of the grown-up world. I am a sufferer of the Peter Pan syndrome.


The key for me, was understanding appropriateness. There are sitautions and people who are more receptive to sarcasm. You just have to be careful that you don't hurt anyone with it and recognize that it has a place and time. The trick is finding out what they are.


But I think those kinds of things come with experience. Get out there, be social and be yourself. Some of your behaviours will get curbed or corrected by people's reactions to you. Its all part of the natural progression of growing up...


But I agree, having nothing to do with Jesus, that we all have to revert SOMETIMES!!


wooohoooo kids rule

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I know what you mean. I think I'm kind of going through something similar myself. Like I don't think I'm acting my age, and I'm acting quite immaturely as if I was 14. I can't help it. Maybe it is because I finally am not afraid of being myself: Something I never had the chance to do when I was 14... Like I wish I had been who I am today back then. I'm sure I would have enjoyed my youth so much more...


Now it's over and I'll have to start acting my age soon, because my parents are making me go to the college of THEIR preference, not mine, and I'm sure there will be no time to be immature anymore...

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Jesus meant it in this way...i think


You know how when you were a kid and your parents said something, and you did it? or if you didn't do it, you got punished. Well either way most of thetime you did it because they told you to and because you were an uneducated child who didn't know any better so you did what your parents told you to.


So Jesus means that as a Christian we have to learn things the way he teaches them, because he says so, because God (compare to your parents) know whats best for you. Now your parents may have not always done what is best for you so in some cases it is hard to trust an authority figure when the ones that you had first didn't do things that you could trust.


See as adults when someone tells us to do something what do we do. We sit there, rationalize it, base it on our own feelings and thoughts and before you know it we either forget or ignore what we were asked. It doesn't mean do everything OTHERS tell you to do. It is that as Christians you must know that when God tells you to do something, it is for your own good.


Now as far as reverting to childlike behavior. I have acted a little childish lately in certain situations so don't be ashamed. We all do it. Remember though, says who? Is it how you feel or what someone said?

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